Aberystwyth University weathers the storm

Aberystwyth prom
06 January 2014
Students living in seafront halls at Aberystwyth University are warm and dry and in alternative accommodation as the current poor weather conditions continue.
Just under 500 students live in sea front halls of residence at Aberystwyth University. Many have heeded the University’s advice circulated on Friday of last week asking them to delay their return to University until the mid of this week.
The University is now (Monday 6 January) informing all students who live in the University’s seafront halls and in private accommodation on the sea front not to return to Aberystwyth until an update which will be issued on Wednesday 8 January.
Approximately 150 students currently resident in the sea front halls have been evacuated and are currently being cared for on the University’s Penglais Campus. Up to 100 students living in private accommodation on the sea front have also been affected.
Students evacuated from the University’s sea front halls, which are self-catering halls, have also been provided with food vouchers with which they can purchase food in University catering facilities. This is also being made available to students affected and living in private sector accommodation.
Students who require urgent support are advised to contact the University’s emergency hotline on 01970 622900.
The latest information is available on the University’s website www.aber.ac.uk/en/important-info/notices/ and on the University’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/aberystwyth.university and Twitter feed: www.twitter.com/aberuni.
At this point in time, the University does not believe that any significant damage has been sustained to University halls of residence on the sea front.
The University is monitoring the situation and working closely with Ceredigion County Council and Natural Resources Wales.
Rebecca Davies, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student and Staff Services, explains: “Our teams of staff have been supporting students who have returned to Aberystwyth and who live in one of our seafront residences. During the evacuation of the halls of residences around 150 students were relocated to the University’s main campus where they were supplied with food and hot drinks.
“Even though the pictures are dramatic, and the sea has washed away sections of the promenade, our buildings are secure and safe.
“We are very grateful for all the support of students, staff, Ceredigion Council and emergency services as our contingency plans went so well. We are also grateful to the local community, and to rail and bus operators, for their support in relocating our community of students, and for the supportive messages on social media.”