App developers set for late night “hack”

04 September 2013
App developers from around the world will be attending a late night “hack” at Aberystwyth University on Thursday 5 September.
The seven hour long hack, which runs from 5 until midnight, will be an opportunity for app developers to create intelligent devices based on the latest technologies which have the potential to deliver practical solutions to real-life problems.
The programmers will reconvene for a further four hours on Friday morning after which each team will demonstrate their product and awards will be presented for ‘Best Idea’ and ‘Best Implementation’.
Hack organiser Professor Chris Price from the Department of Computer Science at Aberystwyth said: “One of most interesting areas of iPhone programming at the moment is talking to small devices, whether they are smart watches, step counters, location signals, pulse counters or even your home heating/air conditioning system.
“There are a wide range of devices which are readily available, such as the tiny Ardunio computer that we will be using on Thursday, which people can use to build their own intelligent devices, either experimental, or customised to control from their mobile phones. A colleague for instance has built a system that enables him to control his home central heating system from his mobile phone.”
“The hack is an opportunity for people to get together, share ideas and experiences to develop new products. Who knows, maybe one day, an idea developed at the Aber hack will become the latest must have for iPhone or iPad users,” he added.
The Hack is part of iOSDevUK which is taking place at Aberystwyth University this week – 3 to 5 September.
Over 200 software developers from around the world, including Argentina and Malaysia, are attending iOSDevUK, which has been hailed by blogger Ray Wenderlich* as one of the ‘Top 10 iOS Conferences in 2013’ for developers of apps for the iPhone and the iPad.
Keynote speakers at the three day event include Dave Addey, managing director of Agant - who will be sharing his experience of having developed the popular UK Train Times App for iPhone users – and Matt Galloway, founder of Swipe Stack – a software development company that has developed a number of iPhone Apps that have featured in Apple’s highly competitive and profitable ‘Best Apps’ category.