Aberystwyth - safest place to study

Llandinam Building, Penglais Campus
22 July 2013
Aberystwyth University has been ranked as the safest University in Wales and England to study following a report published today (Monday, July 22) by the Complete University Guide.
Compiled from official police data, the ranking gives the clearest picture possible of the crime rates for almost 120 universities in England and Wales.
Aberystwyth has the lowest incidence of student-relevant crime within three miles of campus.
The report looks at the safest and riskiest universities in Wales and England for student-relevant crimes and joining Aberystwyth at the top of the list with the lowest overall crime rates are Durham (2nd) and Winchester (3rd).
Aberystwyth University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Engagement, Martin Jones, said, “We recently held our Graduation Week at Aberystwyth and when we asked graduates why they decided to come here, the majority said that it was because of the location and that it was a safe and friendly place to study.
“Being close to the sea was an obvious draw but also being within a stone’s throw away of the countryside is also a great attraction for many of our students, particularly to those who come from large cities such as Birmingham and Manchester.
“Aberystwyth has a great community spirit and the students feel very much a part of that community during their time here.
“This report recognises what a wonderful environment we have in Aberystwyth, which is vital for student satisfaction and in our business and community relationships.”
It is estimated that one-third of students become victims of crime, mainly theft and burglary, and about 20 per cent of student robberies occur in the first six weeks of the academic year.
Official data for crimes affecting students are not available, therefore The Complete University Guide has selected three crimes as most relevant to students, namely burglary, robbery and violent crime.
More information can be found on this report on The Complete University Guide website: http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/