Visit the UK’s top greenhouse

The National Plant Phenomics Centre’s greenhouse can accommodate over 800 individual plants.
19 June 2013
Have you ever wondered what goes on at the most advanced research greenhouse in the UK?
If so, come along to the University’s Access All Areas open day this Saturday 22 June for a guided tour of the new National Plant Phenomics Centre.
Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) in Gogerddan, houses the Centre which encompasses the very latest in technology and equipment to help develop new plant and crop varieties.
The National Plant Phenomics Centre was officially opened last year and represents an investment of£6.8m. It will allow experts at IBERS to develop new crop varieties able to thrive in challenging conditions and make a significant contribution to future food production.
Professor Nigel Scollan, Professor of Public Engagement with Science at Aberystwyth University explains, “The Centre has an extensive floor space the size of three tennis courts, has automated imaging chambers that can record and obtain information on the physiology of plants and it can accommodate up to 882 plants.
“Plants are used for more than just food and provide clothing, medicinal ingredients, ropes and twine, paper, logs for heating and biofuels for example.
“In the past, collecting this vast array of information about plants has mostly been done by hand or automated only on a small scale, but now we have the facilities to gather a great deal of data and information such as their growth rate and water use.”
Tours run on Saturday at 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm. There is plenty of parking for those who come by car. Alternatively, a shuttle bus to Gogerddan will be leaving from from the Penglais campus at 10.45pm, 11.45pm, 12.45pm or 1.45pm.
On display will be other IBERS research plus complimentary refreshments.
Access All Areas will be held from 10am-3pm on Saturday 22 June and a full timetable of events is available at