Turning research into mobile apps

L to R. Andy Hughes, Codiki Ltd; Dr Rhian Hayward, Commercialisation and Consultancy Services at Aberystwyth University; Auryn Hughes, Codiki Ltd; Dr Glyn Rowlands, Vice President of Aberystwyth University and a member of the Codiki board.
24 January 2013
To maximise the successful translation of Aberystwyth University research and expertise into mobile applications and services, the University is pleased to announce its strategic investment in Welshpool based company Codiki Ltd through the Aberystwyth Challenge Fund.
In 2012 the University successfully launched two apps, farmGRAZE for the farming sector and horseRATION aimed at the equine sector, in collaboration with Arkuris Ltd and CEMAS (Glamorgan).
In 2013, in order to further develop and expand the University’s commercial app portfolio, the institution has enlisted Codiki to help in the selection, development, and marketing of its apps.
Codiki Ltd is led by Andy Hughes, a businessman and engineering professional who is the Director of Greeve Ltd which specialises in data acquisition, condition monitoring and control systems. Andy is also a senior partner at Stratra Ltd which provides support for small business for strategic planning and technology development and is involved with the Xenos investment network.
Codiki’s mission - to work with the growing number of universities wishing to reach markets using mobile apps as a route – fits well with the University’s goal of a professional process for app development from staff and student ideas and research. In particular, Codiki intends to build on its expertise in specifying apps from academic know-how and the project management and delivery of high quality apps across multiple platforms.
Codiki delivered its first product in December 2012 – ShoreCatch, an app for sea angling on the Wales coast which provides tidal information, weather forecasts, mark maps, fish species guides and information about bait and rigs.
ShoreCatch (www.shorecatch.co.uk) also includes a unique Catch Genie function, allowing the user to enter the fishing conditions at their fishing location before generating specific lists of fish species which are available to catch under those conditions.
Codiki developed ShoreCatch by incorporating expertise provided by Dr David Wilcockson, a marine biologist and keen sea angler. ShoreCatch is available on the iTunes and Google Play app stores.
Dr Rhian Hayward from Commercialisation and Consultancy Services at the University, explains; “The Technology Transfer team are delighted to work with Codiki Ltd to commercialise University expertise in the mobile market.
“This initiative builds on the mobile apps work we have already undertaken within Commercialisation & Consultancy Services and will provide a professional approach to app development that is sensitive to the challenges of translating academic know-how into products in a fast paced environment with a high level of quality.”
The Aberystwyth Challenge Fund (ACF) invested £15,000 in Codiki in July 2012. The ACF appointed Dr Glyn Rowlands to the Codiki Board and other Board members include Andy Hughes and Dr Rhian Hayward.