Literature Wales’ New Chair

Damian Walford Davies
26 July 2012
Damian Walford Davies is Professor and Head of the Department of English and Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University. He is a poet, literary critic and editor.
He says: “Taking up the role of Chair of one of Wales’s national companies is a privilege – and a challenge. Literature Wales already has a distinguished history; since 1959 it has evolved in tune with the changing social, cultural and political scene.
“Now, with a dynamic Board of practitioners and professionals with expertise in all the fields into which literature can and should reach, it is dynamically equipped to take a more robust role than ever in identifying, nurturing, enabling and promoting Welsh writers of all backgrounds, and all ages, in our country’s two languages – within Wales and globally.
“My aim as Chair is to help give the radical energies of our two literatures the place they deserve in contemporary debates, so that writing becomes not the pleasure of the few, but an instrument of change and transformation for us all.”