Strategic insight

06 March 2012
Commercialisation and Consultancy Services are pleased to announce that the Strategic Insight Programme (SIP) is now open to applications from Aberystwyth University staff interested in building links with external partners through funded placements within the UK.
• Would spending some time in an external organisation help you to better understand how your research or area of work could have applicability and impact in a particular organisation or industry sector?
• Is there a company, organisation, public sector or not-for-profit body with whom you would be keen to carry out some initial scoping work and establish or develop a collaborative relationship?
• If so, then the Strategic Insight Programme could provide the catalyst and funding to develop a new knowledge exchange relationship.
The programme, supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), offers the opportunity for 15 members of staff to spend up to 50 hours with the chosen partner organisation on a fully funded short term placement.
Undertaking a SIP placement will provide opportunities to develop skills and knowledge, foster new knowledge exchange links with the external organisation on a mutually beneficial basis and help to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Speaking about the Strategic Insight Programme, Liz Flint, Director, CCS said, “We are excited to be able to offer this new opportunity to colleagues at Aberystwyth and look forward to receiving expressions of interest from across the University. We hope that this initiative will help to develop a wealth of new knowledge exchange opportunities and CCS staff will be available to offer advice throughout the process to facilitate and support these new relationships”.
Individuals interested in finding out more about this exciting opportunity are encouraged to visit: or to contact Adrian Harvey, Skills and Enterprise Officer, Commercialisation and Consultancy Services ( / 01970 622368).
A limited number of placements are available and initial expressions of interest in a SIP placement are requested by 16thMarch 2012. Please note, this is not the deadline for full applications, merely an initial expression of interest in the opportunity; completed application forms can be submitted at a later date. Applications are invited from staff based in academic or service departments.
Applications will be reviewed by a panel chaired by Commercialisation and Consultancy Services and placements are to take place between April and August 2012.
Further information:
The Strategic Insight Programme (SIP) is a pan-Wales initiative involving all 11 Higher Education Institutions and is led by the University of Glamorgan.