“Force and World Politics in Our Era”

Professor Robert Jervis
14 April 2011
Professor Robert Jervis of Columbia University, New York, is one of the leading academics internationally, and he will be here in Aberystwyth on 5 May to deliver the 2011 Annual Lecture of the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies.
For nearly 40 years Professor Jervis has been a giant in the field of international relations, specialising on nuclear strategy, the psychology of decision-making, and international security, and the Cold War.
This is a rare visit to the UK, and Aberystwyth is lucky to have secured his presence, when other universities have failed.
Professor Jervis will be discussing the role of force in the contemporary world. According to Professor Ken Booth, Director of the DDMI: ‘With the NATO operation taking place in Libya, the on-going war in Afghanistan, instability in the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere, there could not be a more appropriate time to listen to the thoughts of one of America's foremost thinkers about international affairs.’
Members of the general public, faculty and students of Aberystwyth University are warmly invited to attend this public lecture. It takes place at 6.00pm on Thursday 5 May in the Old Hall, Old College, King Street. Please arrive early to ensure a seat.