Postgraduate Opportunities

Parry Williams Building
01 January 2008
Postgraduate Opportunities from September 2008
Firmly located in Wales, and with an established international profile across its constituent disciplines, the RAE 5-rated Department of Theatre, Film and Television provides a vibrant research environment for postgraduate study.
We offer an exciting suite of MA programmes designed to prepare you for professional practice and/or doctoral research: MA Audience and Reception Studies, MA Film Studies, MA Practising Performance*, MA Radio Production*, MA Scriptwriting, MA Television Studies (*available wholly or partially through the medium of Welsh)
MA students in the Department benefit from a number of funded bursaries, notably from the BBC for the MA Radio Production and from the Thompson Foundation for Welsh medium MA studies. Outstanding applicants to any of the above schemes with a clear intention to pursue doctoral study within the Department will also be considered for a TFTS research preparation bursary designed to cover a year's fulltime fees and maintenance benchmarked to ensure equivalence with the AHRC (currently £8,800).
The Department's established reputation for conducting leading-edge, international quality research makes TFTS an ideal place to pursue doctoral study.
We offer supervision and research training in both English and Welsh, focussing on topics such as: Landscape, environment and site-specific performance; Welsh and minority-language theatre, film and television; National and trans-national processes of production and contexts of reception; Broadcasting structures, histories and regulatory policies; Alternative and experimental theatre, film and television drama.
PhD research may be practice-led, or through written thesis. PhD students in the Department receive funding from a number of sources: AHRC, Aberystwyth University, independent charities, employers and overseas providing bodies. We offer support and guidance in making applications to such organisations, and augment the opportunities they provide through a number of TFTS doctoral studentships awarded to outstanding students who have otherwise been unable to secure funding.
These are designed to cover three year’s fulltime fees and maintenance, benchmarked to ensure equivalence with the AHRC (currently £12,600 pa).
For further information and application forms please contact Ceris Jones, Departmental Research Administrator, on 01970 628648 or as soon as possible.
The deadline for completed applications is 1st March 2008
Hybu Rhagoriaeth Mewn Addysgu ac Ymchwil/Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Research