Student Wins Gold

Bea Meitiner
07 December 2007
Equine student wins gold
Aberystwyth University MSc Equine Science student Bea Meitiner, won gold in her first International riding competition, the Student Riding Nations Cup (SRNC) which was held on 15-18th November in Belgium. She was competing against teams from Germany, USA, Canada, Spain, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Ireland and Austria.
Bea, who was selected for the BUSA (British Universities Sports Association) GB team last summer, was joined in Belgium by two other GB student riders, Holly Anderson from Nottingham, and Hannah Patchitt from Leeds. The British riders did brilliantly and were able to secure team gold overall, as well as silver in the show jumping and 4th in the dressage. Individually, Bea came 7th in the show jumping and 9th overall.
In these international student riding competitions, riders are expected to ride a dressage test and jump a course of fences on an unknown horse with a limited warm up time. Each horse is ridden by three riders, the best rider then going on to the next round, with a maximum of 4 rounds in each discipline.
Bea would like to thank Celtic Equestrian for their sponsorship and support. “I am extremely thankful for all the support I have received from both sponsors and staff, especially Dr. Carol Green, who has been of invaluable help during my time at University: always pushing me and encouraging me to improve”.
Bea is currently studying for her MSc in Equine Science at Aberystwyth University having completed her HND and BSc and in Equine Studies. Bea as with all students has been able to make the most of the excellent University's equine facilities to develop her riding skills to competition level.
Further information:
Arthur Dafis, Public Relations Officer, Aberystwyth University,
01970 621763 / 07841 979 452 /