Dr Rhys Thatcher
BSc (Teesside), MSc (Loughborough), PhD (Teesside)

Contact Details
- Email: ryt@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0001-9971-5898
- Office: 1.13, Carwyn James Buidling
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628630
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=3HrB5C4AAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Rhys received a BSc (Hons) degree in Sport Science from the University of Teesside in 1996 before undertaking an MSc at Loughborough University. Following his MSc he returned to the University of Teesside and began work on a PhD thesis examining the impact of Soccer match play on the immune system. During this time Rhys provided Sports Science support to Middlesbrough Football Club before taking a lecturing post in Exercise Physiology at the University of Teesside. Having successfully completed his PhD in July 2001 he moved to Kingston University before joining the University of Wales, Aberystwyth (Aberystwyth University from 2007) in August 2003. Rhys is a Fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences and a senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy as well as a BASES accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist. He is actively involved in research into the role of diet and exercise in the prevention and management of chronic disease states, with a specific interest in preventing the development of diabetes. Rhys has established research collaborations with Hywel Dda University Health Board, the North Ceredigion GP Cluster, colleagues in a number of HEIs across Wales and the UK as well as industry partners. He has supervised nine PhD and four MPhil stunts to completion, has over thirty peer reviewed publications and has been successful in grant capture from a number of sources.
Module Coordinator
- BR16320 - Human Physiological Systems
- BR36920 - Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease
- BR37320 - Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches
- BR17420 - Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication
- BR27020 - Physical Activity for Health
- BR27420 - Sport & Exercise Physiology
- SS32620 - Sport & Exercise Nutrition
- BR36440 - Research Project
- BR22520 - Sport and Exercise Nutrition
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- BR36920 - Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease
- BR01440 - Organisms and the Environment
- BR37320 - Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches
- BR16320 - Human Physiological Systems
- BR16320 - Human Physiological Systems
- BR37320 - Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches
- BR36920 - Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease
- BR34420 - Training and Performance Enhancement
- BR27520 - Research Methods
- BR27020 - Physical Activity for Health
- BR37320 - Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches
- BR36920 - Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease
- BR17420 - Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication
- BR16320 - Human Physiological Systems
The role of diet and exercise in the prevention and management of chronic disease states, with a specific interest in preventing the development of diabetes. Working with colleagues from the NHS, including primary care, and number of HEIs and industry partners he has over thirty peer reviewed publications. Current projects include the use if HIIT for glucose control in prediabetes, understanding the prediabetes patient journey and the use of one-to-one consultations in primary care to reduce the development of diabetes.
Research Groups
- Diet and Health