Dr Rhys Jones

Darlithydd Gwyddor Da Byw a’r Amgylchedd (Cyfrwng Cymraeg)
Contact Details
- Email: raj22@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 2.08, Edward Llwyd Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622266
- Research Portal Profile
I graduated from Aberystwyth University with a BSc (First Class) degree in Agriculture with Animal Science (2013) and an MSc (Distinction) in Livestock Science (2014). In 2017, I completed a PhD at Aberystwyth University entitled ‘Epidemiology of Rumen Fluke (Calicophoron daubneyi) on Welsh Farms. During the PhD, I utilized molecular and computational modelling techniques to investigate the epidemiology of rumen fluke infections within its ruminant and intermediate snail host. I was appointed as a lecturer in Livestock Science at IBERS, Aberystwyth University in September 2017.
I’m originally from north Wales, where I was raised on an upland beef and sheep farm. I still take a keen interest in the family farm as well as wider Agriculture issues. My other interest include football and rugby.
Module Coordinator
- BG20720 - Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
- RG20920 - Maeth Cymhwysol Da Byw
- RD20920 - Applied Livestock Nutrition
- RG20920 - Maeth Cymhwysol Da Byw
- RD20920 - Applied Livestock Nutrition
- BG20720 - Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
- BRM1620 - Infection and Immunity
- BR18820 - Skills for the Agricultural Industry
- BG20720 - Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
- BR30820 - Livestock Production Science
- BR20720 - Applied Nutrition of Livestock, Horses and Companion Animals
- RD18820 - Skills for the Agricultural Industry
- VE10320 - Principles of Science
- RD22420 - Applied Nutrition of Horses
- BRS0060 - Integrated Year in Industry
- BRM6160 - MRes Dissertation (B)
- BG30820 - Gwyddor Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- BRM0920 - Hot Topics in Parasite Control
- BR27520 - Research Methods
- BR20720 - Applied Nutrition of Livestock, Horses and Companion Animals
- BRM5420 - Livestock Production Science
- BRM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BR17020 - Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
- BBM6420 - Manwl Fagu Da Byw
- VE10320 - Principles of Science
- BG20720 - Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
- BRS0060 - Integrated Year in Industry
- BR30820 - Livestock Production Science
- BG30820 - Gwyddor Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- RD22420 - Applied Nutrition of Horses
- BG17020 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor Da Byw
My research interests lie within the field of veterinary parasitology. I’m particularly interested in developing sustainable parasite control techniques for livestock producers. Ongoing research projects focus on liver fluke, rumen fluke, intermediate snail host Galba truncatula and gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle and sheep. Recently I have utilised environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis, deep amplicon sequencing, spatial and temporal modelling, traditional parasitology methods, and precision livestock technology to meet research aims.
Welsh medium teaching group lead at DLS
FDSc Agriculture scheme coordinator
Member of Farming Connect Programme Board
Research Groups
- Parasitology and Helminth Control