Mr Matthew Townsend BA (Hons), CCIP, BSc (Hons)., RN, AFHEA

Lecturer in Healthcare Education- Adult Field
Clinical Skills and Simulation Lead
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 0.24, IBERS Penglais
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628560
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: He / Him
Matt Townsend is an Adult Field Nursing Lecturer who contributes to all programmes of study at the Department of Healthcare Education here at Aberystwyth University.
Matt is also Clinical Lead for skills and simulation and has departmental responsibility for all clinical skills and simulation taught across all programmes delivered, ensuring the department's compliance with HEIW and NMC.
Matt has extensive experience of working at university level and, prior to his nurse training, previously worked as an Associate Lecturer in French Studies at Cardiff University and a Visiting Lecturer at Swansea University.
Matt’s areas of clinical expertise are: emergency surgery; critical care nursing (intensive care); and colorectal nursing. As a clinical academic, Matt is a keen researcher and has blind peer-review published on: Bowel Cancer and Public Heath Promotion; Death and Dying; and Covid-19 and student nurse education provision during the pandemic.
During Covid-19, Matt was invited to sit on the steering committee for a joint UKRI-funded qualitative research study between Oxford Brookes University and Cardiff University that critically appraised AEI preparedness for nurse education during Covid-19. Sitting on the committee as the representative for Wales, Matt provided expert advice and consultation on study direction and dissemination of research findings.
An openly gay academic, Matt has also championed and currently leads on a project that is looking at ensuring current nurse education provision prioritises cultural competence and congruence training when caring for LGBTQ+ patients and service users. With only a handful of UK-wide institutions offering such training as part of their indicative curricula, Matt is ensuring that Aberystwyth University establishes itself as a flagship institution and centre of excellence for LGBTQ+ visibility and inclusivity in healthcare education programmes.
Additional Information
Matt has spoken at several conferences as invited keynote speaker in his areas of research expertise and welcomes invitations of speaker roles in line with his research and publication interests
Module Coordinator
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)
- NU10120: Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU10460: Demonstrating Professional Practice
- NU10220: Developing Professional Practice
- NU10320: Understanding the Human Body
Research Interests:
- Death and dying
- End-of-life care
- Reflection as a conduit for clinical excellence
- LGBTQ+ visibility and inclusivity in healthcare
- Transcultural nursing practise
- Quality improvement and change methodology in healthcare
An award-winning practitioner and researcher, Matt is currently writing a book provisionally titled Conversations at my patients' bedsides: what nursing the dying can teach us about living.
He is also drafting a chapter on LGBTQ+ visibility and inclusivity in healthcare and the role of the nurse in ensuring a culturally competent approach.
Matt welcomes expressions of interest for collaborative research / publication projects.
- Admission Tutor
- LGBTQ+ Coordinator
- Clinical Lead - Skills and Simulation