Miss Jackie Sayce

Project Co-ordinator and Business Development Officer - VetHub1
Contact Details
- Email: jqs@aber.ac.uk
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622212
- Personal Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackie-sayce/
- Twitter: @jackiesayce
Jackie has worked for Aberystwyth University for over 20 years since graduating from UWIC with a HND and BA Hons. in Business Studies with Human Resource Management. Having previously worked in several temporary roles within the university (School of Management and Business, Office of Postgraduate Studies), Jackie joined the department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies as an administrator in 2004, in 2010 became the undergraduate administrator for School of Management and Business and in 2015 became the Institute Manager for IGHPP (Institute of Geography, History, Politics and Psychology) . Since 2019 Jackie has been the project manager on VetHub1, a £4.2m project to establish brand new, state of the art CL2 and CL3 Laboratories with a commercial focus, In addition to her main role; Jackie has also founded the university Admin Forum (a network formed to develop and share best practice within AU), was the Non Academic Staff Rep on Aberystwyth University Council (2017-2019) and has also been an active branch officer for UCU from 2003-2013. Jackie is also a member of the AUA (Association of University Administrators). www.linkedin.com/in/jackie-sayce
Current Summary:
Business Development Officer for VetHub1