Dr Angharad Jones PhD, BSc Applied Community and Health Studies; PGCE (incorporating the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector); Dip HE Nursing; Registered Nurse - Child; Specialist Community Public Health Nurse; Registered Nurse Teacher, SFHEA

Lecturer in Healthcare Education
Contact Details
- Email: anj59@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-1610-005X
- Office: 0.20, IBERS Penglais
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621717
- Research Portal Profile
Angharad is a founding member of the Healthcare Education Centre and was a member of the Nursing Project Board which secured the tender to deliver pre-registration nurse education (adult and mental health fields) for the Mid Wales locality. She was also part of the Healthcare Education team who successfully obtained indefinite Nursing and Midwifery Council accreditation for Aberystwyth University to become an Approved Educational Institution.
Angharad has worked in clinical practice, nurse education (HE & NHS) and research for the last 25 years. In addition to her RN Child Branch qualification (Staffordshire University) and clinical background in paediatric nursing, she is also a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse - School Nursing (Northeast Wales Institute of HE – now Glyndwr University) and is a Registered Nurse Teacher with the Nursing and Midwifery Council having completed her PGCE (incorporating the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector) with the University of Wales, Newport, where she won a local Outstanding Achievement award.
She has experience and specific interest in community nursing models, One Health principles, healthcare research, rural health – particularly rural healthcare workforces, rural service/educational delivery models and health and wellbeing within agricultural communities. She completed her PhD with Aberystwyth University in 2023.
Additional Information
Angharad was born and grew up in a farming community in rural Mid Wales, she is a fluent Welsh speaker, and is very enthusiastic about safeguarding health and social care services and equity of access for all rural residents.
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NY10960 - Arddangos Ymarfer Nyrsio (Rhan B)
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
NU10120 Introduction to Professional Practice
NU10220 Developing Professional Practice
NU10320 Understanding the Human Body
NU20120 Introduction to Field Specific Nursing – Adult
NU20320 Complex Field Specific Nursing – Adult
NU20520 Pathophysiology of Common Conditions – Adult
NU30020 Return to Practice
NU10020 Introduction to Nursing Practice
NU10520 Developing Nursing Practice
NU10720 Developing Knowledge of the Human Body
Academic Assessor:
NU10460 Demonstrating Professional Practice
NU20760 Enhancing Professional Practice
NU10960 Demonstrating Nursing Practice
Module Coordinator:
NU10320 Understanding the Human Body
NU20520 Pathophysiology of Common Conditions – Adult
Scheme Coordinator:
Certificate in Healthcare Education (Level 4)
Angharad is passionate about the provision of high quality nursing in rural locations and, to this end, made the decision to pursue a PhD at Aberystwyth University in 2016, seeking to understand why rural areas of Mid Wales struggle to recruit and retain their nursing workforce, which she completed in 2023. She was supervised by Dr Rachel Rahman and Dr Jiaqing O - Psychology Department, Aberystwyth University.
Her research has contributed to the following national and international conferences, publications and clinical disseminations:
May 2023
British Psychological Society - oral presentation:
‘Inclusive of inequitable? Discussing the Welsh nursing workforce recruitment challenge through a social class lens’
Nov 2020
Rural Health and Care Wales Conference – Poster presentation:
‘A historical account of rural health and care services: a brief journey through time’
Jan 2020
Learned Society of Wales – Joint winner for poster and oral presentation:
‘The Excitement of the City: the perspectives of Welsh urban working nurses regarding the rural recruitment challenge’
Nov 2019
Rural Health and Care Wales Conference – Oral presentation:
‘How urban based nurses can inform the rural recruitment challenge’
Nov 2019
Publication (Journal of Rural Studies – Impact Factor 3.3)
Jones, A., Rahman, R. J. & O, J. (2019). A crisis in the countryside - Barriers to nurse recruitment and retention in rural areas of high-income countries: A qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of Rural Studies. 72. 153-163.
Feb 2019
Public Health Wales Showcase Conference – Poster presentation:
‘Time and Travel: the perspectives of Welsh rural nurses regarding the rural recruitment challenge’
Nov 2018
Rural Health and Care Wales Conference – Oral presentation:
‘Time, Traffic and Travel: the perspectives of Welsh rural nurses regarding the rural recruitment challenge’
Nov 2017
Rural Health and Care Wales Conference – Poster presentation:
‘Health in the HINTERLANDS: the Welsh rural nurse recruitment and retention challenge’
July 2017
Inspiring Innovation in Practice Conference - Oral presentation:
‘Rural Nurse Recruitment and Retention: a crisis in the countryside’
June 2017
Trans-Atlantic Rural Research Network - Oral/Paper Discussion:
‘Rural Nurse Recruitment and Retention: a crisis in the countryside’
May 2017
Chief Nursing Officer’s Conference - Poster presentation:
‘Health in the Hinterlands: the Welsh rural nurse recruitment and retention challenge’
Angharad's responsibilities include:
- Personal Tutor
- Educational Link Lecturer
- Admission Tutor
In addition, she currently leads the Healthcare Education Centre in the following areas:
- Service User, Carer and Public Involvement
- Research
- Welsh Language
- Rural Health
- Sustainability
- One Health
- Further Education Outreach
- Programme Promotion and Engagement
- Biological Safety
- Clinical Documentation