Mrs Amanda Jones Registered Nurse (Child) , Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (HV), MSc Public Health, PGCtHE, Registered Nurse Teacher, Registered Nurse Prescriber, Fellow for the Higher Education Academy, Accredited Transition to Leadership

Principal in Healthcare Education
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 0.26 Gwendolen Rees, Other
- Phone: 01970 621822
- Twitter: @amandajayne1975
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: She/Her
Amanda Jones is the Principal Lead and Head of Healthcare Education , and a founder member with executive responsibility for BSc full time and part time Nursing Programme, Return to Practice and Level 4 Certificate in Healthcare Education at Aberystwyth University, and leads the nursing team. Amanda leads on stakeholder engagement with Practice Learning Partners and Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW), who commission the nursing degree places within Wales as well as Welsh Government groups. Amanda has worked on several tender applications and bids, and has been successful in being awarded additional funding to support Healthcare Education in the Mid-Wales locality. Amanda is experienced in public speaking in both Welsh and English language.
Amanda has been a Registered Nurse for 30 years and is also a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visiting), having extensive experience of working as a health visitor within the Flying Start programme within the locality. Amanda has an MSc in Public Health with an expertise in Children and Young People's safeguarding. She has a Post Graduate Certificate in teaching in Higher Education (PGCtHE) completed through the medium of Welsh, and is a Fellow for the Higher Education Academy.
Amanda is a Registered Nurse Teacher with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and a Registered Community Nurse Prescriber.
Amanda has previously worked as a Senior Lecturer for Swansea University and was also the Welsh language Lead for the College in implementing the Welsh language Standards across the College prior to commencing in post within Aberystwyth University. Amanda has extensive experience in teaching in higher education and has supported students at undergraduate and post graduate levels both academically and clinically through the medium of Welsh and English.
Amanda is a fluent Welsh speaker and was previously an External Examiner for Sunderland University, and an external subject specialist for NMC programme approval within additional Higher Education Institutions.
Amanda won a Staff Award in 2017 for 'Promoting equality, diversity & inclusion'
Amanda 's additional responsibilities include:
- Vice- Convenor Council of Deans of Health Wales
- Director for Learning & Teaching for the Healthcare Education centre
- Pre-registration nursing group for Wales
- The Welsh Government bursary group and
- The University panel for Unacceptable Academic Practice (UAP)
- Fitness to Practise Panel ( Nursing) Aberystwyth University
In July 2023 Amanda has been awarded Accreditation with Advance HE for ‘Transition to Leadership’
In May 2024 Amanda has been appointed as Vice-Convenor for the Council Of Deans Health Wales
Additional Information
Amanda is also a Qualified developmental baby masseur
Amanda is passionate around ensuring widening participation education opportunities for healthcare education as well as ensuring a family friendly approach within healthcare programmes in meeting the needs for individuals with caring responsibilities within the mid-Wales locality
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NY10960 - Arddangos Ymarfer Nyrsio (Rhan B)
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
Amanda teaches across all healthcare modules and programmes in healthcare education
Amanda has two publications through the medium of Welsh Language:
Plant yn gor-ddefnyddio dyfeisiau electronig – oes angen i ni boeni? – Golwg360
May 2019: Presented at the RCN Conference in Bristol: Importance of Welsh Language in Healthcare in Wales
Nov 2019: Rural Health and Care Wales Conference : Importance of Welsh Language in Healthcare in Wales
Nov 2022: Rural Health and Care Wales Conference : Developing Healthcare Education courses in mid-Wales
March 2023: Aberystwyth University Mini Conference: Embracing Virtual Reality within Healthcare Education for student nurses
July 2023: Presenting at Joint AU Simulation Symposium: Novel and innovative approaches to delivering a nursing undergraduate course
July 2024: Implementing Carer Awareness Training in Healthcare Education: Carer Trust, Swansea
August 2024: Subject Consultants for Level 3 Health & Social Care: Principles and Contexts: WJEC / City & Guilds Book: Amanda Jones & Dr Angharad Jones
Principal Lead and Head of Healthcare Education
Vice-Convenor Council of Deans Health Wales
Executive responsibility for healthcare education programmes inc: BS Nursing, Return to Practice and level 4 programme
Director of Learning & Teaching for Healthcare Education AU
Practice Placement executive responsibility
Team manager for Healthcare education centre staff
Diversity and Inclusivity Lead
Curriculum quality monitoring & reporting: AU and NMC
DBS/ Occupational Health Compliance
Fitness to Practise Lead for NMC professional programmes
Personal Tutor
Staff Mentor: PGCtHE & Support
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 08.00-16.30
- Tuesday 08.00-16.30
- Wednesday 08.00-16.30
- Thursday 08.00-16.30
- Friday 08.00-16.00