Well-being and Health Assessment Research Unit


Healthy for my Baby

Maternal nutritional status and metabolic phenotyping

Dietary intake biomarkers are being used to investigate the link between maternal nutritional status and metabolic phenotyping, The Southampton Women’s Survey (SWS) has provided > 1,500 samples (Prof. Hazel Inskip) to investigate maternal metabolic phenotype and a current multi-centre clinic-based study in collaboration with the University of Sherbrooke (Prof William D.  Fraser), is using objective measures of dietary status to determine the efficacy of pre-conception interventions for improved neonatal outcomes.

The Healthy for my Baby study is a novel behavioural intervention developed by the research team led by Prof William D. Fraser to support the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits for women with overweight or obesity, and their partners, in preconception and throughout pregnancy. In this, on-going, multi-clinic-based study, multiple spot urine samples are being collected pre-conception and during pregnancy, the first time our procedures developed in DLS will be used in a clinical setting. Participants are randomised into the intervention or standard care preconception, and complications, diet quality, weight, lifestyle habits, and anthropometric measures will be monitored during pregnancy. We will use high resolution metabolomics coupled with multivariate modelling will assess the impact of the intervention and subsequent dietary choices on establishment of differential metabolic trajectories during pregnancy (Dr Amanda Lloyd).