Student Success in National Thesis Competition

Caitlin Duggan
12 December 2023
Caitlin Duggan (BSc Veterinary Biosciences) recently gained national recognition for her undergraduate dissertation project on Bovine Tuberculosis from the British Society of Animal Science (BSAS) Thesis of the Year competition which ranked her thesis as highly commended.
Caitlin said: "I am so honoured to have been selected as highly commended in the Undergraduate Thesis of the Year 2023. I am deeply indebted and would like to thank both my supervisor for her support throughout my project and my course coordinator for his guidance and knowledge throughout my three years at Aberystwyth. My thesis began my love for research that I am currently continuing at masters level, and hope to continue further throughout my career".
Elizabeth Magowan, President of the BSAS said: "Congratulations to Caitlin for her superb work on the important topic of mapping Bovine Tuberculosis in cattle. It is fantastic to see early career scientists dedicated to such important work and we wish Caitlin continued success in her career"
This success follows on from previous Department of Life Sciences students success in the BSAS thesis of the year competition such as Sara Valdimarsdottir in 2021 (winner), Sydney Hatto and Mathilde Aass in 2022 (Highly Commended) and Niamh Bews and Daniela Amiouny in 2020 (Highly Commended).