Dr Kathy Hampson PhD (Law - Leeds), M.Ed (Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties - Birmingham), FD (Youth Justice, Open University); SFHEA (Aberystwyth)

Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Department of Law & Criminology
Contact Details
- Email: kah47@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6110-4282
- Office: B27, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622736
- Twitter: @DrkathyHampson
- Research Portal Profile
Additional Information
Semester 1 office hours (generally):
Module Coordinator
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
Youth Justice (undergrad and postgrad)
Critical and Radical Criminology
Crime and the Media
Quantitative Research Skills
Current research projects:
Legal education for children in primary school - (assisted by Aberystwyth University Boost funding). This project is looking at what (if anything) children in primary schools in Wales are taught about the law and their rights in legal spaces before they become criminally responsible (at the age of 10). This project has benefited from the research assistance of Akrivi Roumpou and Ashleigh Edwards. The project is waiting for a cessation of the current teachers' strike in order to progress further!
Child First? Examining children’s perspectives of their ‘effective’ collaboration in youth justice decision-making - funded by Nuffield
This project (PI Professor Stephen Case) looks at of children’s perceptions of their capacity for meaningful collaboration in youth justice decision-making processes and understandings of effectiveness.
Project length - 2 years (October 2022 to September 2024)
Research interests:
Children and young people who offend
Youth justice
Youth resettlement
Child First youth justice,
Director of Assessments
Chair of Examination Boards