About Us (group of people) -
Accommodation (building) -
Accommodation - International Students -
Accommodation - Living in Residences -
Accommodation - Moving In -
Accommodation - Options -
Accommodation - Portal -
Art (paint) -
Building (building with pillars) -
Bus -
Car -
Clearing Hotline (phone) -
Clearing Updates (closed envelope) -
Clearing Videos (video play button) -
Conference (person speaking at conference) -
Covid-19 Asymptomatic Testing (virus, LFT, swab) -
Covid-19 FAQs (virus & question mark) -
Covid-19 Testing (virus, test tube, swab) -
Covid-19 Vaccination (virus & syringe) -
Department (books) -
Enquire (paper and magnifying glass) -
Enter details (pencil) -
Facts & Figures (AU crest) -
FAQs (questionmark) -
Fees & Finance (credit cards) -
Food (knife, fork and plate) -
Gifts (wrapped gift) -
Global (globe) -
Graduation (mortarboard hat) -
Grounds (spade) -
Group (three people) -
Individual (one person) -
International Deposit (money and globe) -
Keep in Touch (envelope and paper) -
Love Aber (heart) -
Meet and Greet (plane) -
Old College (old college) -
Online Open Day (computer) -
Podium (person on podium, arms raised) -
Prospectus (open book) -
Register your interest (pencil and paper) -
Regular Gift (calendar with gift) -
Replacement Aber card (two cards) -
Research (microscope) -
Scholarships (piles of coins) -
Search (magnifying glass) -
Shop (shopping basket) -
Single Gift (gift) -
Social Media Wall (bricks) -
Sports (tennis racket) -
Student (one person headshot) -
Student in mortarboard -
Student services (desktop computer) -
Top up Aber card (one card with up arrow) -
UniBuddy (speech bubble containing student) -
Virtual Tour (person wearing goggles) -
Visit (map marker) -
Volunteer (hands up) -
Welcome (handshake) -
Your Country (planet earth)
What's Required?
Before creating your page intro, you should undertake the following preparation:
- Confirm the text required for your page intro;
- Select the icons for your icon menu;
- Confirm the link text required for your icons;
- Confirm the links required for your icons;
- Ensure that the following content templates are available in the section in which you wish to place your page intro:
- Page Intro with icons but no big image;
- Icon.
How To?
CMS users can create their Page Intros by following the instructions provided in Information Sheet 29.