Lecture Capture

Aberystwyth University uses Panopto software to record lectures. Students can view these recordings via Blackboard. Panopto is available in all centrally timetabled teaching rooms. You can download Panopto onto individual machines. See this FAQ.

In addition to recording lectures, Panopto can also be used for a wide range of other activities, such as recording student assessment, creating vignettes, revision videos or to summarise complex ideas. Panopto may also be used to record other University activities, such as meetings - let us know if you need us to create a Panopto folder for non-teaching related activities. 

In accordance with the Lecture Capture Policy Panopto recordings that have not been viewed in 5 years are deleted on a monthly basis. See point 8.1 of the Lecture Capture Policy. 

Panopto recordings that have not been viewed in 13 months will be moved to the Panopto Archive, from where they can be restored should they be needed. See this Panopto guide on restoring archived content.