Open Access - Transformative Agreements
Open Access (OA) means making research publications freely available so anyone can benefit from reading, and using, research.
The result is that research becomes available to many more people than a subscription-only journal article does. This, in turn, may stimulate further research and feed into a wider scholarly communications ‘cycle’. And besides wider public accessibility, there is clear evidence that OA can lead to an increase in citations.
Open Access also encourages public engagement with research, much of which is paid for out of public money. It is part of a wider movement to encourage free exchange of knowledge, data and other resources in an attempt to widen access and stimulate creativity.
More detailed information about Open Access can be found on the pages of the Department of Research, Business and Innovation:
To support the Open Access agenda and to gradually change the existing publishing ‘pay-to-read’ model the University is provided with a block grant from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). This is administered by Information Services and is intended to cover a range of eligible OA costs, from Transformative Agreements with publishers which contain ‘Read’ and ‘Publish’ elements, to individual Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Details relating to those Transformative Agreements and how authors can make use of their OA allowances can be found below.