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Information Services User Survey 2024 Feedback

We ask our users to take our IS User Survey every November.

  • What do we do well?
  • What do we need to work on?

We use the results to plan and develop our services.


Survey Respondents

The number of responses to the survey in 2023 was unfortunately lower than the previous year. 

We received 206 responses, 109 fewer responses than in 2023

206 responses this year

319 responses in 2023


Our survey was completed by University staff, undergraduate students, postgraduate students, distance learning and lifelong learning students

Professional Services Staff    20
Academic Staff    17
Undergraduate Students    142
Postgraduate Taught Students    17
Postgraduate Research Students    5
Distance Learning Students    5

Top 5 Responding Depts / Groups 

Department Number of responses
Life Sciences


Geography and Earth Sciences 21
English & Creative Writing 19
Psychology 18
Professional Services Staff 16


Services that Shine

Email services

More than 92% of our student responders and 86% of our staff responders were satisfied or highly satisfied with the University's email services

Hugh Owen Library Opening Times

More than 80% of student respondents and 78% of the staff were satisfied or highly satisfied with the library's opening hours

Customer Services and support from IS staff

Over 81% of student respondents and more than 94% of staff stated they were satisfied or highly satisfied with the helpfulness of Information Services staff

Our customer services are in the top 3 highest ranked of all our services year after year


Your Comments

"Whenever I have contacted information services for help or support (usually outside staff working hours) I have received prompt, friendly, professional and very clear help. This is really important for distance learners who are trying to fit studying in to random slots around work and family life."

"Of course, the library as a whole is made friendly and approachable by the staff who work there - whose utterly professional work is hugely appreciated."

"Your staff are amazing. I have always found them useful, helpful, friendly and kind. Fantastic!"

"The IS staff are an incredible team who are always happy to help at the desk, are always utmost kind and polite, are always successful (unless there is a problem out of the realm of their control) in helping me out with problems or queries I may have, and are extremely efficient with their response times, providing immensely assistive and polite email replies. They always provide the necessary equipment to help me with particular technology problems too. They have saved me on many occasions!"

Gap analysis

Satisfaction - We ask our users to rate their levels of satisfaction with our services

Importance - We ask our users to rate how important our services are to them

We use the results to identify priorities for improvement. If the levels of satisfaction are lower than the importance, the service may not be meeting expectations.

Customer services 2.20
LibGuides 1.7
Printing .08
FAQs -4.2
Primo -4.98
Group study spaces -5.12


Our Priorities for 2025

New FAQs system

We will be rolling out a new knowledge base (FAQs) after Easter 2025 which should make finding the answer you need quicker.


Availability of Books and eBooks through Primo

The library subscribes to a wide range of digital resources (ebooks, ejournals, databases etc) to support your teaching, learning and research, but it is not possible to subscribe to all academic content that is published.

You can find digital content via Primo – the library catalogue. If you cannot find what you need, please contact your Subject Librarian to look at other resources that are available to you.

If you would like to learn more about using Primo, visit our Primo LibGuide



The university is investing in improving WiFi provision over the next 2 years.

If you experience any problems with the WiFi on campus, please contact IS (or email is@aber.ac.uk) straight away so that the issue can be investigated at the time.



Group Study Rooms

We are looking into ways to improve the booking functionality of the library’s study rooms, including the ability to cancel your booking. Please bear with us whilst we test the new system.


Information about Information Services

We have made it easier for you to keep up with library and IT systems and services.

  • IS News has details of all our library and IT information and events

  • IS Service Status is the place to go for the latest on our IT services

  • Subscribe here to receive our new monthly library newsletter. We'll send features and resource recommendations straight to your inbox


Contact Us

We want to hear from you 

call - 01970 62 2400

Chat Now on our webpages

email is@aber.ac.uk