IS: Your Voice Matters feedback 2022

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Your feedback, our response 


Your feedback

  • You found some of the Library's study spaces too noisy
  • You asked for a way to check the availability of study
    rooms in the Library
  • You found that some plugs in the Library weren't working
  • You said that some software you needed was not available
    on the Library computers or some computer rooms
  • You found some areas of the Library cold
  • You really like the new study space, The Workstation, in
    Aberystwyth town

Our response

  • Noise - Library staff walk through all the study spaces in the
    library every hour or so between 10:00-17:00 Monday to Friday
    to monitor levels in the silent study areas on Level F and in
    response to the noise text alerter service. 

We are aware that noise can start up again once the member of
staff has left, so please do let us know using the text alert
number if you are being disturbed.

  • Study rooms - You can check group study room availability online
    using the instructions here.
  • Plugs - Thank you for letting us know of out of order plugs. We
    report them and get them fixed as soon as possible to minimise
    any inconvenience.
  • Software - We repaired the problem which meant the shortcuts to
    some software programmes were no longer showing on some

You can check the software installed on computers in computer
rooms and the Library online here.

  • Temperature - The windows in the Library open automatically
    based on temperatures and C02 levels. This is why some study
    spaces may feel a little cold. We have adjusted the settings so
    that they open less frequently in the cold weather.
  • The Workstation - You've told us you're really enjoying the new
    facilities at the Workstation. Please keep letting us know what
    you think and what you'd like to see as we continue to develop
    the space

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