Dr Elin Royles
BSc Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, MSc (Econ) Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, PhD Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth

Department of International Politics
Contact Details
- Email: ear@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0002-4858-1903
- Office: 2.19, International Politics Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622690
- Research Portal Profile
Elin joined the department in 2003 and is a Reader. Her research and teaching are associated with the areas of: Territorial Politics and Post-devolution UK politics; Sub-state diplomacy and Nation-building; Civil society; Language planning and policy.
She leads the Department of International Politics Recruitment, Admissions and Marketing team, and is a Member of Executive Committee and Theme Leader for ‘Language, Culture and Identities’ at the University's Centre for Welsh Politics and Society.
Module Coordinator
- GW12620 - Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau
- IQ23920 - People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
- GQ23920 - Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
- GW35020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IP35020 - Devolution and Wales
- IP25020 - Devolution and Wales
- GW25020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IQ23920 - People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
- GQ23920 - Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
- GW25020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IP25020 - Devolution and Wales
- IP35020 - Devolution and Wales
- GW35020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- GW12620 - Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau
- IPM0060 - Dissertation
- GW20120 - Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau
- IP20120 - International Relations: Perspectives and Debates
- GW12620 - Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau
- IP12620 - Behind the Headlines
- GQ23920 - Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
- IQ23920 - People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
- IP30040 - Dissertation
- GWM0060 - Traethawd Hir
- GW30040 - Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
- GW35020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IP35020 - Devolution and Wales
PhD Supervision
Territorial politics and sub-state governance
Welsh Politics and society
Language policy and planning
Main areas of research: Territorial Politics and post-devolution UK politics; Sub-state diplomacy and nation-building; Sub-state climate change & sustainable development policy; Civil Society; Language planning and policy.
She is currently involved in the following
Research grants:
WP C3.1 - ‘Shifting forms of governance and the grassroots politics of separatism’, part of theme 3 Contentious Politics and Civic Gain of the ESRC funded WISERD Civil Society - Civic Satisfaction and Civil Repair project (with Dr Anwen Elias, Prof. Rhys Jones and Dr Nuria Franco-Guillen, Aberystwyth University)
James Madison Trust project on 'Assessing the UK’s new intergovernmental relations architecture post-Brexit' (with Dr Carolyn Rowe Aston University, Dr Rachel Minto Cardiff University).
ARFOR 2 programme evaluation led by Wavehill as main contractor
Her thesis that won the Political Studies Association's Walter Bagehot Prize for the best thesis in government and public administration in 2004-05 and between 2005 and 2014 she was co-editor of the Contemporary Wales journal.
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 13.00-14.00
- Tuesday 11.00-12.00