Dr Danielle Young PhD In International Politics, Aberystwyth University 2018; MScEcon International Relations with Distinction, Aberysrtwyth University 2012; Mlitt in International Security Studies University of St Andrews, 2010

Lecturer in International Security
Department of International Politics
Contact Details
- Email: day13@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 2.02, International Politics Building
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=vnqF-qQAAAAJ
Danielle Young is a Lecturer in International Security. She joined the Department in 2025 after completing a Marie-Sklodowksa Curie Fellowship at the University of Leeds. Before her fellowship, she was an Assistant Professor of Political Science at a small university in the US.
Module convenor: IQ2/35720 War Crimes
Teaching staff: IP2/34520 Terrorism and Counterterrorism in the Modern World.
Her current research focuses on the geopolitical and security implications of emerging solar geoengineering technologies. More broadly, her research examines how climate change intersects with the reassertion of geopolitical competition and international political
She is currently a co-convenor of the British International Studies Association Environment and Climate Politics Working Group.
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 13:00-14:00
- Thursday 14:00-15:00