Prof Colin McInnes

Emeritus Professor
Department of International Politics
Contact Details
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- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622700
- Research Portal Profile
McInnes, C 2024, Civil-Military Relations in Health Crises: Literature Review and Key Recommendations. Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University. 10.20391/px5w-1b66
McInnes, C 2024, 'Fighting the next pandemic? Civil-military collaboration in health emergencies after COVID', International Affairs.
Boland, ST, McInnes, C, Gordon, S & Lillywhite, L 2021, 'Civil-military relations: A review of major guidelines and their relevance during public health emergencies', BMJ Military Health, vol. 167, no. 2, 1505, pp. 99-106. 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001505
McInnes, C, Lee, K & Youde, J (eds) 2020, The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics. Oxford Handbook, Oxford University Press, New York.
McInnes, C 2018, Old wine in new bottles? Use of twitter by established UK news media during the 2014-15 West African Ebola outbreak. in K Backholm & H Hornmoen (eds), Social Media Use In Crisis and Risk Communication: Emergencies, Concerns and Awareness. Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 135-154.