Dr Anwen Elias
BA Hons Cambridge UniversityMA College of Europe, Bruges PhD European University Institute, Florence

Reader in Politics
Department of International Politics
Contact Details
- Email: awe@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0002-2506-1462
- Office: 2.05, International Politics Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621819
- Twitter: @anwen_elias
- Research Portal Profile
Anwen Elias joined the Department in February 2005. Her research and teaching encompasses European politics, comparative regionalism, nationalism, and political parties and party systems, and secession.
Module Coordinator
- GW12420 - Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
- IP30040 - Dissertation
- GW12420 - Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
- IP30040 - Dissertation
Nationalism in Theory and Practice
European Politics
Simulating the EU
Anwen's research is in the broad area of comparative regionalism, nationalism and secession, and has mainly focused on Western Europe. Her work has examined the attitudes of nationalist and regionalist parties towards European integration, as well as the ways in which these parties seek to advance and adapt to processes of constitutional change. Current research projects are focused on the role of regionalist and nationalist parties in achieving political, economic and social justice (Horizon2020 funded project), and on the ways in which citizens make sense of debates about secession (funded by ESRC).
Director of Research
Co-Director, Centre for Welsh Politics and Society
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 11.30-12.30
- Friday 09.30-10.30