From Data to Knowledge: Understanding peace and conflict from afar
Staff involved: Dr Berit Bliesemann de Guevara
Funder: ESRC (Seminar Series, 2016-2017)
The seminar series, funded by the ESRC seminar series (2016-2017) tackles a set of questions which UN peacekeepers, aid workers, governments, researchers and conflict analysts are increasingly troubled by: how do we know what we know about fragile and conflict-affected regions and how far do our understandings reflect - and take account of - the views and perspectives of communities living in these regions? Bringing together leading scholars and partners in the worlds of policy and practice, the series provides a critical and innovative set of fora for analysing how conflict knowledge is generated and disseminated - and with what implications for research and policy in the UK and abroad. As part of the series, and drawing on several realted research projects conducted at the Department of International Politics, we will be hosting the seminar on "Conflict Experts: Methodology, Authority, Impact" in spring 2017.
Core Team: Dr Berit Bliesemann de Guevara (AU); Dr Jonathan Fisher (PI, Birmingham University); Juliano Fiori (Save the Children UK); Prof Caroline Hughes (Bradford University); Jennifer Jalovec (Somalia NGO Consortium); Prof Roger Mac Ginty (Manchester University); Dr David Roberts (Loughborough University)
Gateway to Research link:
Seminar series website: