Davies Papers - Africa Series #3 ready for download

16 April 2014

The DDMI is pleased to announce the release of the 3rd paper in the Africa Series of The Davies Papers. The paper is written by Daniel E. Agbiboa, doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford, and is entitled 'The Westgate Terrorist Attack and the Transformation of Al-Shabab: A Global Jihadist Perspective.'

DDMI 'Past Publications' page Updated

07 April 2014

Reorganisation of the DDMI Archives uncovered some long-lost publications from when the Institute was still independently based on Chatwick Street in central London. What was found is the entire run of the DDMI 'Occasional Papers' Series, Nos. 1-12. The author, titles, and other details of these papers have been added to the 'Past Publications' page of the DDMI website.

Event Report and Photos: 2014 Carr Student Conference

07 April 2014

On 22 March 2014, the E.H. Carr Student Conference was held for the second time in the Main Hall of the International Politics Department at Aberystwyth University. The conference is student-organised and led. This year’s topic, ‘The Arab-Israeli Conflict’ and the event itself attracted a large number of attendees. Click above for the event report, photos, and links to additional photos and the Storify web story of the conference.

Event Reports - DDMI Annual Lecture and Amb. Butler Guest Lecture

01 April 2014

Report summarizing the latest two DDMI events are now available. The first is the proceedings of the 2014 DDMI Annual Lecture, held on 27 February 2014. The second is the guest lecture by Amb. Richard Butler on the disarmament of Iraq, held on 10 March 2014.