
'Addressing global challenges, delivering ideas for change'
The Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth is a leading centre of innovative research in international relations and politics. Aber Interpol, as it is known, is recognised around the globe as a place where exciting new insights into national, international and global challenges are developed.
Our staff and postgraduate students conduct research on some of the most difficult and important global challenges facing human communities today – from questions of conflict, war, nuclear weapons and security to issues of migration, development, democracy, global health and environment. We also study political processes in the UK and its sub-states and hold regional expertise in Middle East, Russian, Latin American and American politics.
In our research we seek to develop bold new perspectives on how to understand and negotiate the intense and sometimes troublesome global interconnections around us. In so doing we also work with policy makers to develop concrete new ideas for change. From working with civil society actors to informing national and global players we seek to be at the heart of communicating our research to the relevant stakeholders and to the public.
This cutting-edge research expertise at Aberystwyth influences the teaching in the department. Staff are encouraged to teach on the latest research findings in their varied fields of expertise and students thus benefit directly from the latest research developments.
The wide-range of perspectives and interests are reflected in the department’s rich variety of research groups, which serve both postgraduate students and staff. They seek to allow for specialisation within communities of experts in specific areas in the context of the friendly research community at Aberystwyth.
Important new research is produced by the students as well of course! Students graduating from our PhD programme, for example, have won numerous national and international prizes for their research theses. Undergraduate students and Masters students also contribute to research intensity at Aberystwyth through their own research work on their dissertations and participation in research seminars and events.
At Aberystwyth Interpol you will be at the centre of the latest thinking, exploring and testing of new ideas on international politics!
More information
Research Centres and Institutes
The Departmental of International Politics is home to a number of research institutes and centres. Each of these organisations focuses on one or more specialised areas of research. Their activities include putting on conferences and workshops; hosting visiting speakers; and facilitating interaction and knowledge transfer between academics and policy-makers.
Students studying at the Department can be associated with and participate in many of the events organised by institutes and centres. For more information on study in the Department please see information for prospective students or contact Admissions Administrators for Postgraduate or Undergraduate study.
International Politics Research Seminar
IPRS is one of the key focal points of the Department’s research culture. This weekly seminar provides a forum for department-wide discussion of ongoing research. Each seminar focuses on a single issue, with many sessions involving presentations from departmental staff or from distinguished visitors from other universities. All third year PhD students are also required to make a presentation to the IPRS, which affords an unparalleled opportunity to demonstrate progress achieved as well as to receive critical feedback from peers and members of staff.
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2020-21
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2018-19
IPRS Schedule Semester 2 2018-19
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2017-18
IPRS Schedule Semester 2 2017-18
IPRS Schedule Semester 2 2016-17
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2016-17
IPRS Schedule Semester 2 2015-16
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2011-2012
Previous Years
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2011-2012
IPRS Schedule Semester 2 2011-2012
IPRS Schedule Semester 1 2010-2011
IPRS Schedule Semester 2 2010-2011
Research Groups
The Department of International Politics is home to a thriving community of research groups. All members of staff and most PhD students are members of at least one research group. Each research group organises its own programme of seminars, which provide an opportunity for staff and research students to present ongoing research and to receive critical feedback. Research groups also host visiting speakers and organise periodic conferences and workshops.
Critical and Cultural Politics and Racialisation Research Group (CPPR)
The Critical and Cultural Politics and Racialisation Research Group (CPPR) is a student-run interdisciplinary research group that brings together those who are engaged in work inspired by a variety of critical perspectives in international politics. The CCPR aims to give undergraduate and postgraduate students of various departments the opportunity to present and receive feedback for their work. It also organises several other events throughout the year, in which participants will have the chance to critically engage with contemporary debates on a variety of issues, including a specific focus on (neo)colonialism, race, identity, and cultural relations. We intend to continue to bring diverse and critical pedagogical perspectives to create an alternative and open space in which marginal perspectives can be brought to the fore. We are also engaged with arts, culture and performance to widen the media through which we engage with international politics.
If you have any ideas or questions about the CCPR or wish to present your work, please get in touch with the co-convenors:
Marcello de Souza Freitas :
Amal Abu-Bakare :
Talwyn Baudu :
Security Research Group
Located in the International Politics Department at Aberystwyth University, the Security Research Group (SRG) is a student-run research group, seeking to provide a platform where divergent academic interests and disciplines related to the study of security can be fruitfully brought together. Areas of interest include health security, environmental security, human security, national security, intelligence studies, accountability, strategic studies, critical security studies, geo-politics and geo-strategy, terrorism and critical terrorism studies.
The SRG's Blog:
Facebook Page:
Twitter Account: @aberSRG
International History Research Group
The International History Research Group (IHRG) was established in October 2004 and has made an active contribution to the research culture of the Department over the course of the last fifteen years. The IHRG is concerned with all aspects of international, transnational and global history. It has regularly organised seminars, roundtables and symposia, and brings together International Politics staff and postgraduate students, as well as colleagues from across the University, especially from the Department of History and Welsh History.
Distinguished visiting speakers who have addressed the IHRG have included Professor John R. Ferris (University of Calgary), Dr. Cees Wiebes (Free University of Amsterdam), Professor Keith Neilson (Royal Military College, Canada), Professor Greg Kennedy (Kings College London), Dr. G. Bruce Strang (Lake Head University, Ontario), and Professor David French (University College London). Visiting speakers invited to Aberystwyth by the IHRG have not been limited to academic historians. Indeed, one of the Group's most successful events was a ‘witness seminar' given by one of the last surviving RAF veterans of the Battle of Britain.
Convenors: Patrick Finney ( and Quincy Cloet (
For information about forthcoming events, please follow @patrickfinney1 and @quincycloet on Twitter.
Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Research Group
Aberystwyth University’s Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Research Group (IGSRG) is an interdepartmental research group, based between the Department of International Politics, the Department of Psychology, the Department of Law and Criminology and the School of Art, which focuses specifically on questions relating to feminism, queer theory, and gender. The goal of the group is to bring together students and members of staff from different departments within Aberystwyth University who have common interests. We offer an interdisciplinary forum for discussion, networking, personal and professional development, and a more general exchange of ideas. Beyond the immediate realm of Aberystwyth University, we also aim to establish further networks with interested people studying or working in other universities and institutions, including artists and activists. Such dialogues raise both awareness and questions for the themes present in our research. Following on from the success of the past few years, we seek to consolidate and further relationships with individuals and groups working on issues relating to gender.
Facebook: @abergender
Twitter: @abergender
Posthumanities Research Group
The Post Human Research Group (PHRG) is a multidisciplinary student led research group that provides an open and welcoming environment to explore new ideas and contemporary problems from a post-human perspective. The group was founded in the summer of 2020. Since then, it has organised a diverse range of events including a walking event which explored the effect of space and movement on ways of knowing, and an online event in Gathertown which explored virtual embodiments and avatar cultures. PHRG has several events planned for the coming academic year and has been successful in securing postgraduate community funding to organise a multidisciplinary workshop which will take place this autumn and will focus on fluid thinking and climate change.
Contact details to follow
Recently Published Books
International Relations in a Relational Universe
Milja Kurki
Oxford University Press
Civilian Specialists at War: Britain's Transport Experts and the First World War
Christopher Phillips
University of London Press
Refugees in Britain: Practices of Hospitality and Labelling
Gillian McFadyen
University of Edinburgh Press
Fieldwork as Failure: Living and Knowing in the Field of International Relations
Katarina Kušić and Jakub Záhora (eds)
Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Morten Bøås (eds.)
Bristol University Press, 2020
New Geographies of Language - Language, Culture and Politics in Wales
Rhys Jones and Huw Lewis
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Heroism and Global Politics
Edited by Veronica Kitchen and Jennifer Mathers, 2018
The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power
Naren Chitty, Li Ji, Gary Rawnsley, Craig Hayden (eds)
Islam and International Relations Fractured Worlds
Mustapha Kamal Pasha (ed)
Myth and Narrative in International Politics: Interpretive Approaches to the Study of IR.
Berit Bliesemann De Guevara, ed.
Palgrave Macmillan
International Relations Theory Today. 2nd edition.
Booth, Ken and Toni Erskine, eds.
Polity Press
Violence and Civilization in the Western States-Systems.
Andrew Linklater
Cambridge University Press
(in press) The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power.
Rawnsley, G., Chitty, N., Ji, L., Hayden, C. (eds)
Taylor & Francis
The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Critical Reappraisal
Len Scott and R. Gerald Hughes (eds)
Routledge, 2015
Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy
Charalampos Efstathopoulos
Face Politics
Jenny Edkins
The British Nuclear Experience: The Roles of Beliefs, Culture and Identity
Kris Stoddart and John Baylis
Oxford University Press
The Postwar Legacy of Appeasement: British Foreign Policy since 1945
R. Gerald Hughes (eds),
Bloomsbury, 2014
Armed Drones and the Ethics of War: Military Virtue in a Post-Heroic Age
Christian Enemark
Framing Global Health Governance
Colin McInnes and Kelly Lee
The Transformation of Global Health Governance
Colin McInnes, Adam Kamradt-Scott, Kelley Lee, Anne Roemer-Mahler, Simon Rushton and Owain David Williams
Le Guerre Della Jugoslavia 1991-1999
Alastair Finlan
Liberia Editric Goriziana
The Test of Terrorism: Responding to Political Violence in the Twenty-First Century
Alastair Finlan
Contemporary Military Strategy and the Global War on Terror
Alastair Finlan
Bloomsbury Publishing
The Kenya papers of General Sir George Erskine 1953-1955
Huw Bennett and David French
The History Press
Critical International Relations
Jenny Edkins
Global Politics: A New Introduction
Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss
International Politics and Performance: Critical Aesthetics and Creative Practice
Jenny Edkins and Adrian Kear
The Sword and the Shield: Britain, America, NATO and Nuclear Weapons, 1970-1976
Kris Stoddart
Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies
Robert dover, Mkchael S Goodman, Claudia Hillebrand
Democracy Promotion: A Critical Introduction
Bridoux, Jeff and Milja Kurki
Transcending Postmodernism
Morton A. Kaplan with Inanna Hamati-Ataya
International Relations: All that Matters
Ken Booth
London: Hodder and Stroughton
An International History of the Cuban Missile Crisis: A 50-year retrospective
Len Scott (David Gioe and Christopher Andrew)
Facing Down the Soviet Union: Britain, the USA, NATO and Nuclear Weapons, 1976-1983
Kristan Stoddart
International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity
Dunne, Kurki and Smith, eds (2013) 3rd edition (previous editions 2007, 2010)
Democratic Futures: Revisioning Democracy Promotion
Milja Kurki
Contemporary Military Culture and Strategic Studies
Alastair Finlan
The Vulnerable in International Society
Ian Clark
Oxford University Press
Fighting the Mau Mau
Huw Bennett
Cambridge University Press
Statebuilding and State-Formation: The Political Sociology of Intervention
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara
A Micro-Sociology of Violence: Deciphering Patterns and Dynamics of Collective Violence
Jutta Bakonyi and Berit Bliesemann de Guevara
Ethics and Security Aspects of Infectious Disease Control: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Christian Enemark and Michael J. Selgelid
Conceptual Politics of Democracy Promotion
Hobson, Christopher and Milja Kurki
Global Health and International Relations
Colin Mcinnes and Kelley Lee
Counter-Terrorism Networks in the European Union
Claudia Hillebrand
Oxford University Press
Special Responsibilities
Ian Clark
Cambridge University Press
American Foreign Policy and Postwar Reconstruction
Jeff Bridoux
Losing an Empire and Finding a Role
Kristan Stoddart
The European Union and its Eastern Neighbours
Towards a more ambitious partnership?
Elena Korosteleva
Tragedy and International Relations
Charisma und Herrschaft: Führung und Verführung in der Politik
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Tatjana Reiber
Frankfurt am Main, New York: Campus.
(Translated into Hungarian: Karizma és hatalom, Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó, 2012)
Cosmopolitanism and International Relations Theory
Richard Beardsworth
Polity Press
Eastern Partnership: A New Opportunity for the Neighbours
Elena Korosteleva
Terrorism: A Critical Introduction
Richard Jackson, Lee Jarvis, Jeroen Gunning, Marie Breen Smyth
The Problem of Harm in World Politics
Andrew Linklater
Cambridge University Press
Hegemony in International Society
Ian Clark
Oxford University Press
Terror in our Time
Ken Booth and Tim Dunne
Partnerships and Foundations in Global Health Governance
Simon Rushton and Owain David Williams eds
On Rawls, Development and Global Justice
Missing, Persons and Politics
Cornell University Press
Illusion Statebuilding. Warum der westliche Staat so schwer zu exportieren ist
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Florian P. Kühn
Hamburg: edition Körber-Stiftung
Realism in World Politics
Ken Booth eds
Remembering the Road to World War Two
Patrick Finney
Intelligence and International Security
Len Scott, R Gerlad Hughes, martin Alexander eds
Governing Sustainable Development
Carl Death
American Foreign Policy and Postwar Reconstruction
Jeff Bridoux
Staatlichkeit in Zeiten des Statebuilding
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara
Peter Lang
Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-first Century: Principles, Methods, and Approaches
Jacob Bercovitch and Richard Jackson
Michigan University Press
Theories of International Relations, 4th edition
Scott Burchill and Andrew Linklater, eds.
Palgrave MacMillan
America’s Cold War: the Politics of Insecurity
Campbell Craig and Fredrik Logevall
Harvard University Press
Critical Theorists and International Relations
Jenny Edkins and Nick Vaughan Williams, eds.
Minority Nationalist Parties and European Integration
Annwen Elias
Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory and Cases
Richard Jackson, Eamon Murphy and Scott Poynting, eds.
Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda
Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda
The Security Dilemma: Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
Ken Booth and Nicholas Wheeler
Serbia in the Shadow of Milosevic: The Legacy of the Conflict in the Balkans
Janine Clark
I.B. Tauris
Minority Nationalist Parties and European Integration
Anwen Elias
The Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War
Campbell Craig and Sergey Radchenko
Yale University Press
Embedded Cosmopolitanism
Toni Erskine
Oxford University Press
Special Forces, Strategy and the War on Terror
Alastair Finlan
Exploring Intelligence Archives: Enquiries into the Secret State
R. Gerald Hughes, Peter Jackson, and Len Scott, eds.
Causation in International Relations: Reclaiming Causal Analysis
Milja Kurki
Cambridge University Press
Intelligence, Crises and Security: Prospects and Retrospects
Len Scott and R. Gerald Hughes, eds.
Disease and Security: Natural Plagues and Biological Weapons in East Asia
Christian Enemark
Theory of World Security
Ken Booth
Cambridge University Press
The Security Dimensions of EU Enlargement
David Brown and Alastair Shepherd, eds.
Manchester University Press
International Legitimacy and World Security
Ian Clark
Oxford University Press
American Credo: A Field Guide to the Place of Ideas in US Politics
Mike Foley
Oxford University Press
Britain, Germany and the Cold War: The Search for a European Detente, 1949-1967
R. Gerald Hughes
Critical Theory and World Politics: Sovereignty, Citizenship and Humanity
Andrew Linklater
Revitalising Democracy? Devolution and Civil Society in Wales
Elin Royles
University of Wales Press
The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Threat of Nuclear War: Lessons from History
Len Scott
Here is Hell: Canada's Engagement in Somalia
Grant Dawson
University of British Columbia Press
Representing Europe's Citizens? Electoral Institutions and the Failure of Parliamentary
Roger Scully
Oxford University Press
Truth Recovery and Justice after Conflict: Managing Violent Pasts
Marie Breen Smyth
Strength of research culture is also indicated by the number of journals which are edited within the Department of International Politics. Journals are edited by members of the Department, which provide outlets for professional development and opportunities to shape the debates that define various fields of study. Postgraduate students are often involved in these activities as editorial assistants or as participants in the events sponsored by particular journals.
Visiting Scholars Programme
The Department is eager to encourage collaborative research, nationally and internationally, and therefore warmly welcomes applications from established scholars, financially supported by their own institutions or by a research award, who wish to spend a period of time (from 3-12 months) working on a project of direct relevance to its areas of expertise and interest.
Facilities Offered
Visitors will be offered shared office space (subject to availability), library access, local IT facilities, and an email account. The University’s Huw Owen Library has excellent research holdings in the field, and the Department is adjacent also to the National Library of Wales, one of the UK’s copyright libraries. Visitors are welcome to participate fully in the research life of the Department by attending its weekly Research Seminar, as well as the many meetings and activities of its various Research Groups and Centres.
Expectations of Visiting Fellows
The purpose of the scheme is to bring to the Department exceptional scholars who can contribute to and enrich its intellectual and research activities. Therefore, in addition to conducting their own research, Visiting Fellows will be expected actively to participate in the following activities in the Department:
- Undertaking collaborative research with Departmental Staff
- Presentation of one or more work-in-progress papers, as part of the Department's Research Seminar series, or to appropriate Research Groups
- providing a formal lecture to the Institute, or wider public community
Categories of Visiting Fellows
It is important to the success of the scheme that visitors become fully integrated into the intellectual life of the Department. In order to ensure this, the Department will appoint Visiting Fellows preferentially on the basis of the following considerations:
i) Priority will be given to a visitor who is nominated by an existing member of staff, and who is part of an existing research grant or collaboration with that staff member. Exchanges of this kind (funded by schemes such as the Newton International Trust, or other similar collaborative funding arrangements) will be given preference in the first instance;
ii) Otherwise, an applicant should be sponsored by an individual member of staff, or by a Research Centre, and the ‘sponsor’ undertakes thereby to act as a mentor for the visitor, to be closely involved with the visitor’s research project, and to facilitate his/her participation in relevant seminar series. This role may also entail monitoring compliance with any visa conditions, where applicable. In addition to any joint writing and publication undertaken by them, we would also encourage the staff member and Visiting Fellow to work towards submission of a collaborative research grant application for the future.
iii) If a potential applicant does not already have an established research connection to a member of staff, s/he should write to the Director of Research in the first instance to enquire if any good ‘fit’ is available. To help assess this, applicants will be asked for a statement of the research project (max 1000 words), two academic references, and where appropriate evidence of English-language ability. Anyone interested in making application by this route would be well advised to make an informal enquiry first, to establish that space is potentially available, ahead of submitting a formal application.
Application Process
Applications will be considered twice per year, and need to be submitted by two deadlines: the end of February (for visits during the first semester, or both semesters, of the next academic year); the end of August (for visits during the second semester, or next full calendar year).
Applicants in categories i) and ii) above must supply, through their nominator or sponsor, the following details:
- their area of expertise and research interest
- their collaborator or sponsor in the Department
- their proposed research collaboration and objectives of the proposed visit
- confirmation that the applicant has sabbatical leave or a similar independent source of financial support for their stay
- curriculum vitae and contact details
- the commencement and expiry date of proposed period of stay, and level of any grant support available
- details of their visa status (if applicable)
Applicants under category iii) must supply the documentation requested above. Applications will be considered by an appropriate Management Team committee. Applications and inquiries should be addressed to the Departmental Director of Research (see Staff List).