Quincy Cloet awarded Michael L. Dockrill Thesis Prize 2020

Thesis title: 'Truth Seekers or Power Brokers? The League of Nations & its Commissions of Inquiry'

We are very pleased and proud to announce that one of our recent PhD graduates, Dr Quincy Cloet has been awarded The British International History Group Michael L. Dockrill Thesis Prize, for his thesis 'Truth Seekers or Power Brokers? The League of Nations & its Commissions of Inquiry', completed in 2019.

The Michael L. Dockrill Thesis Prize is awarded annually to the best doctoral thesis on any aspect and any period of International History. In judging the panel pay particular attention to originality of approach, thoroughness of research, style of writing and presentation, and contribution to historical scholarship. A dozen theses were nominated for consideration and the field was extremely strong.

Dr Cloet's thesis was commended by the panel 'for its international breadth, interdisciplinarity and depth of archival research'. His thesis explored the operations of Commissions of Inquiry across the breadth of the League's activities ranging from collective security and conflict resolution to forced labour and drug trafficking. Quincy drew on a wide range of archival sources and developed new insights not only about the League of Nations and 'imperial internationalism' but also about the politics of knowledge production.

Quincy's supervisors in the Department were Dr Patrick Finney and Dr Alistair Shepherd, but all congratulations go to Dr Cloet!

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 20:50:00 BST