Hayley Goddard

IEC Administrative Manager
IEC Project Manager
Contact Details
- Email: hvg@aber.ac.uk
- Office: C62d, Llandinam Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622083
Hayley has worked at Aberystwyth University since November 2017.
After 5 years working in the Development and Alumni Relations Office, Hayley joined the International English Centre in December 2022 as Administrative Manager.
In the role, she guides international students through their student journey from application through to their progression to undergraduate study.
Hayley is responsible for the smooth delivery of administrative processes within the International English Centre, working closely with the English language teaching staff, Admissions, UKVI Compliance team, Residences team and more.
Blackboard Dept Admin
- PGM2910 - Research Writing Programme
- IC00210 - Introduction to Listening and Speaking Skills for University
- IC00710 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Route C)
- IC00340 - Language, Culture and Communication
- IC07720 - Academic Skills Foundation 2
- IC10210 - Academic Writing 1
- IC27720 - Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1
- IC00810 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Routes A and B)
- IC13420 - Language Awareness for TESOL
- IC00510 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes C)
- IC00610 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Routes A & B)
- IC00910 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Route C)
- IC02330 - Keys to International Politics
- IC02430 - Keys to Law
- IC17720 - Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product
- IC33420 - TESOL Materials Development and Application of Technologies
- IC37820 - Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2
- IC00110 - Introduction to Reading and Writing Skills for University
- IC00410 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes A & B)
- IC23420 - TESOL Approaches, Methods and Teaching Techniques
- IC02030 - Keys to Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting
- IC02130 - Keys to Film, Television, Media and Theatre Studies
- IC02230 - Keys to Computer Science
- IC07620 - Academic Skills Foundation 1
- IC10310 - Academic Writing 2
Attendance Dept Admin
- IC00510 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes C)
- IC37820 - Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2
- IC00340 - Language, Culture and Communication
- IC00410 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes A & B)
- IC00610 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Routes A & B)
- IC00810 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Routes A and B)
- IC02230 - Keys to Computer Science
- IC07620 - Academic Skills Foundation 1
- IC07720 - Academic Skills Foundation 2
- IC10210 - Academic Writing 1
- IC13420 - Language Awareness for TESOL
- IC27720 - Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1
- IC00110 - Introduction to Reading and Writing Skills for University
- IC00710 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Route C)
- IC02430 - Keys to Law
- IC00210 - Introduction to Listening and Speaking Skills for University
- IC02130 - Keys to Film, Television, Media and Theatre Studies
- IC02330 - Keys to International Politics
- IC23420 - TESOL Approaches, Methods and Teaching Techniques
- PGM2910 - Research Writing Programme
- IC10310 - Academic Writing 2
- IC00910 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Route C)
- IC02030 - Keys to Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting
- IC17720 - Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product
- IC33420 - TESOL Materials Development and Application of Technologies