A year in the life of a Natural Resources Wales Intern

Undergraduate student Ant Baker conducting a diving survey during his placement
22 March 2016
Final year marine and freshwater biology undergraduate Ant Baker has returned to his studies after a year-long, paid internship with the Marine Monitoring team of Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Welsh Government environmental regulator with a remit for preserving and improving the Welsh environment.
Each year, one undergraduate from a Welsh university is selected for the internship, and last year Ant was the lucky one! During his placement, Ant undertook a 12-day shipboard cruise monitoring invasive species with CEFAS, and sampled a range of marine habitats including rare coastal lagoons and deep-sea reefs. “I was trained in monitoring techniques that used some of the newest technology, including LiDAR and 3D habitat monitoring, to look at structural changes to biologically important Sabellaria reefs”, explains Ant. “I also gained lots of experience in standard monitoring tools used for water quality analysis, and intertidal and subtidal benthic surveys”.
Ant is now applying the knowledge and techniques learnt during his placement in his final year of study. And given the range of skills he now has, and the contacts he has made within NRW and statutory environmental agencies throughout the UK, the future looks bright for Ant!