Breaking Down the Barriers to Deliver Real Change to our Farming and Food Systems

Caroline Drummond MBE, Chief Executive LEAF
18 February 2015
Chief Executive of Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF) to speak at Aberystwyth University
Caroline Drummond, Chief Executive of Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF) will present a public lecture at Aberystwyth University on Wednesday 25th February from 6.00pm.
This inaugural event in the Sêr Cymru National Research Network for Low Carbon, Energy and Environment (NRN-LCEE) public lecture series will be hosted by the Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences (IBERS) on the University’s Penglais Campus.
Through her presentation ‘Breaking Down the Barriers to Deliver Real Change to our Farming and Food Systems’, Caroline Drummond will explore the challenges faced by our planet, the scientific community and wider society that need to be addressed in order to bring long lasting and meaningful changes to the sustainability of farming systems, how our food is produced and what we eat.
It will set out some of the areas where real change is starting to happen and highlight areas where new thinking is needed.
Speaking in advance of the lecture, Professor David Thomas, NRN-LCEE Director, explained: “This is the first in a series of lectures to be held at our partner institutions across Wales, providing an open forum reflecting the cross disciplinary focus of the NRN-LCEE in the fields of environmental, bioscience, low-carbon and energy research. The event promises to provide a platform for discussion and debate around two main areas of our thematic research priorities, namely: Sustainable Intensification, and Impacts and Mitigation of Climate Change and Human Activity”.
“As a partner in the NRN-LCEE, we are delighted to host the first lecture in the series here at IBERS, and to welcome our prestigious speaker whom I know well. We look forward to welcoming members of the public and colleagues from the research community to join us at this event”, added Professor Mike Gooding, Director of IBERS.
This event is open to all to attend, with no prior booking required. A complimentary drinks reception will be held in IBERbach from 6.00pm, with the lecture following at 6.30pm in the adjacent Edward Llwyd Building on the Penglais Campus at Aberystwyth University.
For further information regarding this event, please see: