Dan Steward and Francesca Lonie: Graduate Interns in the Institute of Human Sciences

06 January 2014
Shwmae / Hello, we are Dan Steward and Francesca Lonie, and we are the new Graduate Interns within the Institute of Human Sciences. Currently, Dan is based in the Sport and Exercise Science department and Frankie in the Psychology department, but we may swap from time to time!
Dan is a recent Psychology / Genetics and Human Health graduate and Frankie graduated with us here in SES. And as new graduates, we know how great and important it is to be a student. We’ve been there and just done it, so we know how tough some situations can get and we completely understand and can relate to it. We are always available to help and support you in the best way we can. We’ll be working alongside our very own Sarah Jones in the departmental office and Anna Cole up in Psychology.
Whilst we are your first point of call in the office, we are also working on a range of projects to benefit the Institute, its departments and students and staff. You can contact us by email, phone or you’re always welcome to come and see us in the office; Call Dan in SES on 01970 622299 or email drs10@aber.ac.uk and call Frankie in Psychology on 01970 622798 or email frl10@aber.ac.uk. We look forward to meeting you all.