Walk & Talk

Walk & Talk – Cerdded & Siarad

Every Wednesday from 12:15 to 12:45, join us for a 30-minute walk around campus, during which we'll discuss how walking can enhance your mental health and well-being. Walking can reduce anxiety, improve focus and concentration, alleviate brain fog, aid digestion, and promote overall health. These walks, led by Rachel Hubbard, are suitable for all fitness levels, and there's no need for special clothing or footwear. Most walks will take place on roads and trails. Feel free to bring your lunch. Rachel will discuss the cognitive and physical health benefits of being outdoors.

Please meet at the Visualisation Centre from 12 p.m. onwards. We will depart promptly at 12:15 p.m. and return by 12:45 p.m. For further information, please email Hyffoddi-Train@aber.ac.uk.

Upcoming Walks:


22/05/24 - Shinrin Yoku – Forest Bathing

  • Discover how walking among trees offers additional benefits to mental health. We will explore some of the rare trees on campus.


05/06/2 – Steps to Improve “Brain Fog”

  • Learn how even a short walk of 10 minutes can enhance concentration and attention, as well as clear your mind.


12/06/24 – Walking off Stress

  • Explore how outdoor walks can instantly reduce stress and provide long-term protection against it. Moving helps alleviate stress and boosts resilience.


19/06/24 – Strides to Serenity

 Discover how focused outdoor activities can reduce anxiety and improve mood. This session will include breathing techniques and methods to enhance focus on the activity.


If you enjoy this type of activity, don't forget that you can also take part in the "Wellness Walks":


Wellbeing walks – Health, Safety & Environment team


Come join us for our lunchtime walks around campus and woods.  It’s a great opportunity to get away from the desk, explore nature, and chat with others!


Do join our Teams site, here you will find calendar dates and route updates:

Clwb Cerdded/Walking Club | General | Microsoft Teams

  • 2 walks per month.
  • On Penglais campus and Gogerddan campus.
  • Meet at 13:00pm
  • 45 mins to 1 hour

Don’t wait for us though!! If you wish to undertake a walk and want some company, please do add to the Teams calendar.

The only considerations to make whilst walking is that colleagues wear suitable footwear, suitable clothing for the terrain and weather and to keep the pace to the slowest participation.


Upcoming dates:

20/05/2024       Monday               IBERS Reception                Gogerddan

28/05/2024       Tuesday                Visualisation Building      Penglais

11/06/2024       Tuesday                IBERS Reception                Gogerddan

25/06/2024       Tuesday                Visualisation Building      Penglais

11/07/2024       Thursday             IBERS Reception                Gogerddan

25/07/2024       Thursday             Visualisation Building      Penglais

07/08/2024       Wednesday        IBERS Reception                Gogerddan

21/08/2024        Wednesday        Visualisation Building      Penglais