Pay - Financial Information
Childcare Vouchers
Holiday Pay
Payment of Salaries
Rolled-up Holiday Pay: Frequently Asked Questions
Holiday Pay
Full pay is payable during holidays. For the purpose of calculating accrued holiday entitlement on termination of employment, one-twelfth of the leave entitlement is allowed for each completed month of service in the current leave year.
If at the termination of employment with the University a member of staff had holiday entitlement which they have not yet taken, they would normally be required to take that leave during the period of notice given to, or by, them. If at the effective date of termination of employment there was still annual leave due, subject to the provisions of the following paragraph, they would be paid accrued pay in respect of those days at the rate applicable to holiday pay at the time. This payment would be in addition to any other payments due from the University. If, however, the member of staff was summarily dismissed, or left the University's service without giving due notice in accordance with their contract of employment, no entitlement to holiday pay would exist.
Where, at the date of leaving, the pro-rata holiday entitlement had been exceeded, an appropriate deduction may be made from the final salary payment.
The University has arranged insurance cover for personal effects used in connection with University business. This is designed to cover books, scientific instruments and other equipment, tools of trade or profession, etc. owned by individuals but kept for convenience on University property. It does not extend to clothing, electronic notebooks, personal or laptop computers and associated equipment.
Payment of Salaries
Salaries are paid monthly, in arrears, by credit transfer to a named Bank or Building Society account, normally on the last working day of each month.
New members of staff are advised to forward their Income Tax Form P45 to the Finance Office as soon as possible after taking up their appointment to enable the Finance Office to make any necessary adjustments through the payroll.