Equal Opportunities Policy
Statutory Obligations & Legislation
Aims of the Policy
Equality Impact Assessment
Aberystwyth University is committed to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture and values diversity.
This commitment is underpinned by the University's Strategic Plan, Strategic Equality Plan and Charter.
We are committed to advancing equality on the grounds of protected characteristics, i.e. age, disability, sex and sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion and belief (including absence of belief), marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity / paternity, and to embrace intersectionality and raise awareness between and across different groups.
Statutory Obligations & Legislation
The University will meet all statutory obligations under relevant legislation and, where appropriate, anticipate future legal requirements including, for example:
1.1.1. The Equality Act (2010)
1.1.2. The Public Sector Equality Duty in Wales
1.1.3. Associated secondary legislation
1.2. In addition, this will be informed by the:
1.2.1. Codes of Practice or Guidance issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, including the Welsh Language Standards and other relevant bodies.
1.2.2. These Codes are not legally binding (though they are admissible as evidence in Employment Tribunals) and the University supports them fully.
Aims of the Policy
2.1. The University is therefore committed to a policy and practice which require that;
2.1.1. for students, admission to the University and progression within undergraduate and graduate studies will be determined by personal merit and achievement
2.1.2. for staff, employment with the University and further progression will be determined by personal merit and by the application of processes where the criteria are objective, clear and transparent
2.2. Subject to statutory provisions, no student, member of staff, applicant for admission as a student, or applicant for appointment as a member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of belonging to a protected group, as defined in the Equality Act 2010.
2.3. The University will take active steps to promote good practice. In particular it will;
2.3.1. Work towards the elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimization based on a protected characteristic.
2.3.2. Advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
2.4. Subject its policies to continuous assessment to examine how they affect protected groups and to identify whether its policies help to achieve equality of opportunity for all these groups, and how we can mitigate against any adverse impact.
2.5. Monitor the recruitment and progress of all students and staff, collecting and collating equalities information for inclusion in the Annual Equalities Report
2.6. Take positive action wherever possible to support this policy and its aims.
3.1. If any person admitted as a student or appointed as a member of staff considers that they are suffering from unlawful discrimination, harassment, or victimisation (directly or indirectly) in admissions, appointment, progression or any aspect of study or work through the University because of belonging to any of the above protected groups, they may make a complaint, which will be dealt with through the agreed procedures for:
3.1.1. Students – Academic Registry Complaints Procedure
3.1.2. Staff - either the Dignity & Respect at Work Policy , Grievance Procedure or Welsh Language Standards
3.2. In accordance with the Welsh Language Standards that came into effect on 1 April
2018 employees have the right to use the Welsh language to;
3.2.1. make a complaint (b) respond to a complaint or allegation
3.2.2. and employees also have the right to use the Welsh language in meetings where they are the subject of: complaints and allegations (or have made the complaint) disciplinary proceedings effective contribution scheme discussions individual consultation meetings
3.2.3. A simultaneous translation service from Welsh to English will be provided at the meeting when the meeting cannot be conducted solely in Welsh.
3.2.4. The university has, in conjunction with its recognised trade unions, incorporated the above requirements into all relevant HR policy and procedural documents.
4.1. The University will monitor progress against actions and objectives in the Annual Equality Report and University Council
4.2. Links to other policies and procedures:
4.2.1. Academic Registry Complaints Procedure
4.2.2. Dignity & Respect at Work Policy External links
4.2.3. Equality Act 2010 (legislation.gov.uk)
4.2.4. Public Sector Equality Duty Wales
4.2.5. Equality and Human Rights Commission
Equality Impact Assessment
5.1. The University is committed to embedding the Equality Scheme into its policies, procedures and practices.
5.2. This policy has been equality impact assessed in accordance with this scheme.
Policy Review
Human Resources will co-ordinate a review of this policy in order to maintain compliance with legislation and good practice. The review will be undertaken in liaison with the recognised trade unions and any proposed amendments will be submitted to the appropriate relevant committee, University Executive and Council if required.
Version 1.1
Last Reviewed: December 2020
Review Date: December 2025