Race-related terminology guide
Over the past few months we have held a number of race awareness events with a range of groups, staff and students. One of the regular topics of discussion is the terminology to be used when discussing race and ethnicity.
As part of our work towards bronze accreditation with the Race Equality Charter, Ian Munton will be chairing a small group on race and culture at AU, and developing a bilingual guide on terminology will be one of their tasks.
In the meantime, Executive have agreed that AU will use the 'Guide to Race Related Terminology' developed by the University of Leicester. These are available here:
We are grateful to the University of Leicester for allowing us to use the guidelines. For Welsh-language Race Related Terminology queries, please contact translation@aber.ac.uk or there is a summary of the key terms here.
Colin McInnes
Chair, Race Action Group
July 2023
Term | When |
minority ethnic | Whilst we encourage referencing specific ethnic groups, where this is not possible the term minority ethnic will be used when referring to all ethnic groups other than white*. |
BAME | For consistency, may be used by the University in its correspondence with external bodies regarding data (e.g. Race Equality Charter Mark) |
Black/Black ethnic background | Used when referring to anyone who is from an African, Caribbean or other Black background. |
Asian/ Asian ethnic background | Used when referring to anyone who is from a Bangladeshi, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Any other Asian background. Whilst we encourage reference to specific ethnic groups, where the more general term Asian is being used, it may be helpful to distinguish whether this is related to those from South Asian or East Asian backgrounds (where applicable). |
mixed ethnic background | Used when referring to anyone who is from an Asian and white, Black African and white, Black Caribbean and white, any other mixed background. |
white/white ethnic background | Used when referring to anyone who is from a white British or white other** background. |
Ethnicity categories |
"Asian or Asian British (major category) Includes the minor ethnic categories of Bangladeshi, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, any other Asian background. Where the term Asian is used this includes all the above minor categories." |
"Black or Black British (major category) Includes the minor ethnic categories of African, Caribbean, any other Black background. Where the term Black is used this includes all the above minor categories. |
"Mixed (major category) Includes the minor ethnic categories of Asian and White, Black African and White, Black Caribbean and White, any other mixed background. Where the term Mixed is used this includes all the above minor categories." |
"Other Ethnic Group (major category) Includes the minor ethnic categories of Arab, any other background. Where the term Other Ethnic Group is used this includes all the above minor categories." |
"Prefer not to say This refers to individuals who do not wish to disclose their ethnic background. The University respects an individual’s choice to prefer not to disclose their ethnicity. The University recognises the limitations of the options for disclosing ethnicity and will work closely with staff and students to develop and refine these options to be representatives of our student and staff body." |
"Not declared / Unknown This refers to individuals for which the University does not currently hold any information relating to ethnicity." |
"White or White British (major category) Includes the minor categories of white, any other white background, Gypsy or Traveller. Where the term ‘white’ is used this includes all the minor categories referred to above. " |
Race-related Terminology (Welsh) | Race-related Terminology |
Gwrth-Hiliaeth | Anti-Racism |
Cefndir Asiaidd / Ethnig Asiaidd | Asian / Asian Ethnic background |
Cefndir Du / Ethnig Du / Cymunedau Du | Black / Black ethnic background / B-ack communities |
Mae Bywydau Du o Bwys | Black Lives Matter |
Du, Asiaidd ac Ethnig Leiafrifol | Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic |
Du, Brodorol a Phobl o Liw | Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) |
Trefedigaethedd | Colonialism |
Grwpiau Ethnig | Ethnic Groups |
Hunaniaeth ethnig | Ethnic identity |
Ethnigrwydd / Tarddiad Ethnig / Cefndir ethnig | Ethnicity / Ethnic Origin / Ethnic background |
Rhyddid i lefaru | Freedom of speech |
Mwyafrif byd-eang | Global majority |
Sipsi neu Deithiwr | Gypsy or Traveller |
Hiliaeth sefydliadol | Institutional racism |
Teithwyr Gwyddelig | Irish travellers |
microymosodiad(au) | microaggression(s) |
Ethnig L(l)eiafrifol | Minority Ethnic |
Cymunedau Ethnig Leiafrifol | Minority Ethnic communities |
cefndir ethnig cymysg | mixed ethnic background |
Grwpiau / pobl nad ydynt yn wyn | Non-white groups / people |
Hil | Race |
Cynllun Gweithredu ar Hil | Race Action Plan |
Cydraddoldeb Hil | Race Equality |
Aflonyddu ar sail hil | Racial harassment |
Anghydraddoldebau hil | Racial inequalities |
Lleiafrifoedd sydd wedi cael eu hileiddio | Racialised minorities |
Hiliaeth | Racism |
Hiliaeth strwythurol a chymdeithasol | Structural and societal racism |
Hiliaeth Systemig | Systemic Racism |
cefndir gwyn / ethnig gwyn | white / white ethnic background |
goruchafiaeth / braint / bregusrwydd pobl wyn | white supremacy / privilege / fragility |