Prize awarded at iFutures Conference 2013

Jean Chitanda-Bright
09 October 2013
Part time PhD student Jean Chitanda-Bright was awarded the prize for best poster at theiFutures 2013 Conference held on Thursday 25 July, at the University of Sheffield for her poster "Information Systems Projects in Health Services: Exploration of Telehealth project management".
iFutures was a one-day conference run by and for PhD researchers in the information science community. Organised by the Information School at the University of Sheffield to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the University’s Information Studies department, the aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity for PhD researchers to share their work through presentations, discussions and published short papers.
The theme of the conference was “The next 50 years” and asked the question: how will the information landscape evolve as we move towards 2063?