Prof Ron Fuge

BSc, MSc, PhD University of Wales

Prof Ron Fuge

Senior Lecturer

Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

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Professor Ron Fuge graduated with a BSc and followed this with an MSc and a PhD from the University of Wales. Was employed as a Senior Research Fellow at Aberystwyth and is now a part time Lecturer. His research interests are in environmental geochemistry and medical geology.


Fuge, R 2019, 'Fluorine in the environment, a review of its sources and geochemistry', Applied Geochemistry, vol. 100, pp. 393-406. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.12.016
Fuge, R 2013, Anthropogenic Sources. in B Alloway, J Centero, R Finkelman, R Fuge, U Lindh, P Smedley & O Selinus (eds), Essentials of Medical Geology. Springer Nature, pp. 59-74.
Selinus, O, Fuge, R, Alloway, B, Lindh, U, Centeno, JA, Smedley, P & Finkelman, RB (eds) 2013, Essentials of Medical Geology, revised edition. Springer Nature. <>
Selinus, O, Alloway, B, Centeno, JA, Finkelman, RB, Fuge, R, Lindh, U & Smedley, P 2013, Foreword. in O Selinus (ed.), Essentials of Medical Geology: Revised Edition. Springer Nature, pp. v-vi. 10.1007/978-94-007-4375-5
Fuge, R 2013, Soils and Iodine Deficiency. in O Selinus (ed.), Essentials of Medical Geology. Springer Nature, pp. 417-432. 10.1007/978-94-007-4375-5_17
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