Rhys Dafydd Jones


 Rhys Dafydd Jones

Senior Lecturer

Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

Contact Details


Rhys is a social geographer interested in migration, multiculturalism, civic participation, and belonging. He is co-convenor of the WISERD research network Migration Research Wales, and co-director of the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society.


Rhys' research interests are broadly concerned with migration, multiculturalism, civic participation, and belonging. Specifically, he is interested in lifestyle migration and regional inequalities, transnational belonging and non-beloning in minority nations (largely focussing on EU migration and Brexit in Wales), international migration and religious diversity in rural regions, and civic participation as place-making activities.


Co-director, Centre for Welsh Politics and Society

Programme Co-ordinator, BA Human Geography, BSc Daearyddiaeth, BSc Physical Geography.

DGES Welsh language provision coordinator

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 16:30-17:30
  • Tuesday 09:30-10:30


Jones, RD 2024, Precarious Sacred Space: Presence, Contingency, and Community. in L Kong, O Woods & JKH Tse (eds), Handbook of the Geographies of Religion. Springer International Handbooks of Human Geography (IHGG), SPRINGER INT PUBL AG, pp. 327-346. 10.1007/978-3-031-64811-3_21
Edwards, CW & Jones, RD 2024, 'Reconceptualizing the Nation in Sanctuary Practices: Toward a Progressive, Relational National Politics?', International Political Sociology, vol. 18, no. 2, olae006. 10.1093/ips/olae006
Guma, T, Drinkwater, S & Jones, RD 2023, 'Communities of/for Interest: Revisiting the Role of Migrants’ Online Groups', Sociology, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 516-532. 10.1177/00380385221104008
Goodwin-Hawkins, B, Mahon, M, Farrell, M & Jones, RD 2023, 'Situating spatial justice in counter-urban lifestyle mobilities: Relational rural theory in a time of crisis', Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 379-394. 10.1080/04353684.2022.2086895
Guma, T, Drinkwater, S & Jones, RD 2023, 'They were chasing me down the streets’: Austerity, resourcefulness, and the tenacity of migrant women's care-full labour', Geoforum, vol. 144, 103822. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103822
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