Prof Mark Whitehead
BSc Geography (Aberystwyth) PhD (Aberystwyth) PGCHE (Bangor)

Personal Chair
Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Contact Details
- Email:
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6499-4719
- Office: K6, Llandinam Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622609
- Twitter: @Markiewhitehead
- Google Scholar:
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: he/him
Mark Whitehead is a Professor of human geography whose research interests span urban studies, sustainability, the impacts of the psychological sciences on public policy, and the social implications of smart technology. Mark has authored and edited 11 books, and written for The Guardian and Western Mail newspapers. His work has been featured on BBC Radio 4, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, BBC Radio Wales and in The Economist. Mark holds an Award for Teaching Excellence from Aberystwyth University (2004), and in 2017 was named Lecturer of the Year by Aberystwyth University students. Mark's research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Leverhulme Trust, the Independent Social Research Foundation, the British Academy, HEFCW, and the Royal Geographical Society.
Mark is a member of Natural Resources Wales' Evidence Advisory Committee and the ESRC Peer Review College. He is also external examiner for the BA Geography programme at the University of East Anglia and Editor of the Routledge Introductions to Environment book series. Mark is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
Additional Information
Dysgwr Cymraeg/Welsh learner
Module Coordinator
- GS28910 - Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
- GS37520 - Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience
- GGM0020 - Key Concepts and Debates in Study of Society and Space
- GGM2860 - MA Dissertation
- EAM4420 - Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment
- GS37520 - Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience
- GS28910 - Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
- GGM0020 - Key Concepts and Debates in Study of Society and Space
- GGM2860 - MA Dissertation
- EAM4420 - Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment
- GS36820 - The Global Countryside: Geographical and Sociological Perspectives
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- GS20020 - Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- DA25420 - Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
- EAM4420 - Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment
- GS30020 - The psychosocial century
- GS20020 - Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- BBM8820 - Newid Ymddygiad
- GS21520 - Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- EAM1120 - Advanced Research Skills 1: science communication and data analysis
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- EAM4660 - Dissertation in Environmental Change Impacts and Adaptation
- DA25420 - Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
- GS21120 - Physical Geography and Environmental Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience
Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment
The Psycho-Social Century
Key Concepts in Society and Space
Birmingham Field Course
Recent Publications:
Collier, W & Whitehead, M 2023, 'Corporate Governmentality: Building the Empirical and Theoretical Case', Territory, Politics, Governance. 10.1080/21622671.2022.2153159
Feitsma, J & Whitehead, M 2022 ‘Behavioural Expertise: Drift, Thrift and Shift under COVID-19’ International Review of Public Policy 4: 149-170
Current and Former PhD/Post. Doc. students
Greg Edwards, Shaima Alhosani, Sandy Stevens, Rachel Lilley, Chandra Kumar, James Robinson, Kerhsuan Chien, Julie McLeavey, Chris Yeomans, Anna Bullen, Ruth Stevenson, Kelvin Mason, Marcus Welsh, Katherine Phillips, Martin Burgess, Philip Conway, Matthew Melas, Neil Waghorn, Cery Jones. William Collier. Siobhan Maderson. Katherine Stewart.
MA Society and Space Programme Co-ordinator.
ESRC Welsh Graduate School of Social Science, Environment and Planning Pathway Lead at Aberystwyth University