Dr Mark Wyer

Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Contact Details
- Email: mdw7@aber.ac.uk
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622719
- Research Portal Profile
Wyer, MD, Kay, D, McPhail, C, Kay, C, Francis, C, Davies, C, Watkins, J & Bolland, J 2022, Addressing adverse water quality in Strathclyde Loch, Scotland. in Land Use and Water Quality: The impacts of diffuse pollution. Scientific and Technical Report Series, IWA Publishing, pp. 197-212. 10.2166/9781789061123_197
Kay, D, Clarke, A, Crowther, J, Davies, C, Francis, C, Stapleton, C, Watkins, J & Wyer, M 2021, 'Effectiveness of constructed farm wetlands in attenuating faecal indicator fluxes to watercourses from yard runoff on livestock farms', Water and Environment Journal, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 1085-1093. 10.1111/wej.12700
Wyer, M, Stapleton, C & Kay, D 2020, Microbiological Contamination of Water and Health. in RM Harrison (ed.), Environmental Pollutant Exposures and Public Health. 50 edn, Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, no. 50, vol. 2021-January, Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 70-94. 10.1039/9781839160431-00070
Kay, D, Crowther, J, Stapleton, C & Wyer, M 2018, 'Faecal indicator organism inputs to watercourses from streamside pastures grazed by cattle: Before and after implementation of streambank fencing', Water Research, vol. 143, pp. 229-239. 10.1016/j.watres.2018.06.046
Wyer, M, Kay, D, Morgan, H, Naylor, S, Clark, S, Watkins, J, Davies, C, Francis, C, Osborn, H & Bennett, S 2018, 'Within-day variability in microbial concentrations at a UK designated bathing water: Implications for regulatory monitoring and the application of predictive modelling based on historical compliance data', Water Research X, vol. 1, 100006, pp. 1-12. 10.1016/j.wroa.2018.10.003