Prof John Reynolds

Wood, JL, Harrison, S, Wilson, R, Emmer, A, Kargel, JS, Cook, SJ, Glasser, NF, Reynolds, JM, Shugar, DH & Yarleque, C 2024, 'Shaking up Assumptions: Earthquakes Have Rarely Triggered Andean Glacier Lake Outburst Floods', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 51, no. 7, e2023GL105578. 10.1029/2023GL105578
Reynolds, JM 2023, Earthquake-triggered landslides. in Earthquake Engineering for Dams and Reservoirs. Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 303-324. 10.1680/eedr.66151.303
Peacey, MW, Reynolds, JM, Holt, TO & Glasser, NF 2023, 'Glacier structure influence on Himalayan ice-front morphology', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1679-1700. 10.1002/esp.5576
Hinks, J & Reynolds, JM 2023, Rockfalls. in Earthquake Engineering for Dams and Reservoirs. Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 325-332. 10.1680/eedr.66151.325
Emmer, A, Wood, JL, Cook, SJ, Harrison, S, Wilson, R, Diaz-Moreno, A, Reynolds, JM, Torres, JC, Yarleque, C, Mergili, M, Jara, HW, Bennett, G, Caballero, A, Glasser, NF, Melgarejo, E, Riveros, C, Shannon, S, Turpo, E, Tinoco, T, Torres, L, Garay, D, Villafane, H, Garrido, H, Martinez, C, Apaza, N, Araujo, J & Poma, C 2022, '160 glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) across the Tropical Andes since the Little Ice Age', Global and Planetary Change, vol. 208, 103722. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103722
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