Dr Jesse Heley
BA, MA and PhD from DGES.

Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Contact Details
- Email: eyh@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7876-2337
- Office: K10, Llandinam Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621601
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=4362_7YAAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Jesse Heley was awarded a BA and MA from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Having completed his Ph.D. at the same institution on the subject of 'Rurality, Class, Aspiration and the Emergence of a New Squirearchy', Jesse was appointed as a Research Associate in DGES in 2009. He took up a Lectureship in Human Geography in the same department in April 2012.
Module Coordinator
- GS30020 - The psychosocial century
- EAM4660 - Dissertation in Environmental Change Impacts and Adaptation
- GS34220 - Geography Joint Honours/Major Project
- GS10220 - Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces
- GS35240 - Environmental Science Dissertation
- GS36820 - The Global Countryside: Geographical and Sociological Perspectives
- GS35140 - Environmental Earth Science Dissertation
- GS23020 - Placing Politics
- GS13020 - Researching the World: data collection and analysis
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- GS21520 - Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS20020 - Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GGM2860 - MA Dissertation
Jesse's research is situated within the broad fields of political geography, economic geography & spatial planning, being particularly concerned with rural restructuring & shifting class dynamics in the British countryside. Currently, Jesse's research addresses; the nature & impact of globalization in rural localities; rural governance and regional institutions; the role of older volunteers in shaping & maintaining rural services & development; & ethnography & the ethical implications of undertaking 'native', 'local' & 'insider' research.
Current Funded Research Projects:
- Co-Director, Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD)
Selected Past Funded Projects:
- 'Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies (ROBUST)', European Union Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges (Co-I), Website: www.rural-urban.eu
- ESRC Civil Society Research Centre (WISERD) Theme 'Leader, Polarization, Austerity & Civic Deficits' www.wiserd.ac.uk
- 'The Global Countryside: Rural Change and Development in Globalization (GLOBAL-RURAL)', European Research Council Advanced Grant, 2014-19 (Co-I, with Michael Woods). Website: www.global-rural.org
Director of Undergraduate Studies, DGES
WISERD Civil Society Theme Leader, Polarisation, Austerity and Civic Deficit