Mr Emanuele Amo

Mr Emanuele Amo

Post-Doctoral Research Associate (Qualitative, Rural-Spatial-Justice)

Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

Contact Details


Dr Emanuele Amo is an associate lecturer in Human Geography at Aberystwyth University's department of Geography and Earth Sciences (DGES). His research interests lie within the study of rural geography, food studies and poststructural theory.  

Emanuele holds a MSc degree in Human Geography from University of Bristol. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Humanities from University of Turin, Italy.

Orchid: 0009-0008-6073-5865



Amo, E. 2023, 'The Slow Food Movement and the Terra-Madre project: Food sovereignty and translocal assemblages', Globalizations, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 644-660. 10.1080/14747731.2022.2149158

Pettenati, G., Amo, E. and Colombino, A., 2024. Transumanza, qualità del cibo, qualità dei luoghi. Pratiche e discorsi intorno ad alcuni formaggi alpini. Documenti geografici, (3), pp.141-162. 10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/202303_07