Facilities with EOED:
EOED has a wide range of high-tech facilities including, which are available to all members of the group and for MSc and undergraduate dissertations.
Computing Facilities:
- A dedicated research laboratory with high performance Mac OSX and PC work stations.
- A dedicated 22 seat teaching laboratory with high performance due boot Windows and Linux system.
- 100 Tb of dedicated storage.
- 2Tb dedicated hihg FTP
- Dedicated high performance processing UNIX 12 core machines
- Access to the High Performance Computing (HPC) centre for Wales (HPC Wales).
Field Equipment:
- ASD FieldSpec 4 spectroradiometer with full range of 350 – 2500 nm.
- ASD HandHeld 2 Portable Spectroradiometer with range of 325-1075 nm.
- Leica ScanStation terrestrial laser scanner
- Leica and Trimble GPS and total station survey instruments
- Quadcopter UAV with Go Pro video camera
- Black, White and Grey Calibration targets
Commercial Software:
- Erdas Imagine
- eCognition
- Gamma
- ArcGIS
- ISIS flood modelling software
- Lecia Cyclone
Support Free and Open Source Software:
- RSGISLib (developed in house)
- SPDLib (developed in house)
- ARCSI (developed in house)
- KEALib (developed in house)
- TuiView (developed with collaborators)
- RIOS (developed by collaborators)
- ORFEO Toolbox (OTB)
- QGIS (CPD courses available)