
Neuadd Pantycelyn: a place to live in Welsh
Neuadd Pantycelyn (Pantycelyn Hall) is the heart of the Aberystwyth Welsh student community. This is a chance to share a 'home from home' with students from across the country and beyond in one of the most iconic buildings in Wales. You will love the building, which has been completely modernised, and you'll make new friends for life.
Neuadd Pantycelyn is also home to UMCA (the union for Aberystwyth's Welsh students) - the first union of its kind in Wales - and one that has a wealth of experience in campaigning for benefits for the University's Welsh students and protecting their rights. Today, it is an influential movement that has a voice and representation on some of the University's main committees.
UMCA supports a number of popular Welsh societies, such as Y Geltaidd (Aberystwyth University's main Welsh sports society), Yr Heriwr (UMCA's blog 'The Challenger') and Aelwyd Pantycelyn (a society for singing and socialising). There is a welcome for all those who enjoy playing rugby and football, politics, journalism, singing, reciting, and dancing. A number of activities are organised jointly with Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, and the President and the UMCA Executive Committee Alternative Officer work closely with the College to ensure that we provide a variety of activities to suit all tastes.